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Underrated Marvel Comics: The Forgotten Gems


Marvel’s so famous, its cinematic universe decorates the globe. But what about comic books that don’t get into the limelight as much? Sure a few major players make appearances in comics, TV, etc. regularly but what about the times that people forget? And that’s what this page is for, listing all of the Underrated Marvel Comics series. And I do mean all of them, not a top 10 list. This list reaches out to ever nook and cranny over the years in Marvel’s publications.

Everybody will have a favorite that is not always anyone else’s. Some comics also divide when it comes to quality, writing, or age. But Marvel doesn’t have a reputation as the House of Ideas for nothing. Some characters and stories serve as pivotal roles for both the wider Marvel Universe or the creators’ careers. The list will also include team characters who get solo runs; sometimes there will even be teams who don’t make regular appearances. We will also be including underrepresented A-list character comics. Spoiler alert we will be including some mainstays such as Nextwave and X-Statix.

See here for the other pages:

Underrated Marvel Comics: General

Namor the Sub-Mariner

Namor the Sub-Mariner is a character who goes between being a hero and a threat. But not many people can seem to bring him out as a morally complex character without help.

Fantastic Four

The Fantastic Four as well as their enemies have their outings. On their own they can be big things that capture people’s imaginations. But there are times you just have to look past things to see what makes them so fascinating.


The Inhumans have a bad reputation of being mutant stand-ins despite being philosophically different. Where the X-Men are about fighting for rights, the Inhumans are about standing out in a world full of amazing people. While they mainly function as a group, a few noteworthy series about individual members show up.


The Avengers have so many adventures, it’s easy to overlook some of them.

Guardians of the Galaxy

The Guardians of the Galaxy might be in the spotlight thanks to the MCU but what about when they strike out on their own? For that matter does anyone who is not Rocket Raccoon or Groot get attention?


Spider-Man is Marvel’s biggest cash cow and with so many stories surrounding him it’s easy to forget some truly great moments.


Along with the Wall Crawler is an entire cast of spiders. Each growing into their own directions that make them unique. But who really knows them besides Miles Morales or Spider-Gwen?

X-Men Checklist


Cable remains an ever popular character who makes small but notable appearances. The problems come from separating him from his grim and gritty depictions. Because aside from his tragic past, he has several notable relationships.

Madrox The Multiple Man

Jamie Madrox is the cult favorite black sheep of Marvel history. First appearing as a Fantastic Four villain, comics legend Peter David gives him some necessary development into an everyman. Afterwards creatives don’t know what to do with him. So much that it’s become a running joke that his duplicates allow him to be reset whenever necessary.

Milligan and Allred’s X-(X)

Peter Milligan and Mike Allred’s sub-franchise takes mutants in a new and welcome direction. As the main team deals with the usual drama, Milligan and Allred embraces the absurd side of mutants in celebrity satire. Because what better way to break conventions?


The Man-Thing is a collaborative concept that often gets lampshaded as a lesser version of DC’s Swamp Thing. It might have to do with Man-Thing’s lack of agency. But a few writers like the late Steve Gerber make use of this trait to explore human nature.

Howard the Duck

Howard the Duck is a wisecracking funny animal going through existentialism. With a long battle of censors and his own anomaly status, the deadpan humor shows a surprisingly relatable character. Who hasn’t experienced life where the serious and dumbfounding are practically the same?

Squadron Supreme

Squadron Supreme is what the plot of Watchmen would be if using pastiches of the Justice League. But rather than just showing how fundamentally flawed people in costumes can do a lot of harm; the idea behind all of it revolves around superheroics mixing with real world issues. Would the technology of super-geniuses truly better mankind and how many times will a superhero’s ego get in the way?


Frank Castle is a name everyone knows thanks in no small part to Garth Ennis and the Netflix series. But among all of the guns and violence comes from how the ruthless vigilante fits in with Marvel’s absurdity. Surprisingly well as it turns out.


The Defenders are the team that are not really a team. In just about all incarnations, this group of people always come together out of necessity. Some stay friends while others just go whatever way is necessary.


Taskmaster is one of the more versatile characters to use in Marvel comics. His ability to imitate skills makes him a great trainer, spy, and combatant. With his status as an anti-villain, he’s practically an all-rounder.

Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch)

Unlike his brother Johnny Cage or Robbie Reyes, Danny Ketch as Ghost Rider remains a black sheep. Managing to get along with his spirit of vengeance, Danny helps expand the mythology that develops the Ghost Rider mantle. You can’t get Jason Aaron’s groundbreaking run without this character.


Darkhawk is the story of an everyman dealing with changes that shift perspectives. The original character Chris Powell didn’t see much attention; mainly because it tries to combine the 90’s grittiness with a Peter Parker style character. But the mantle’s evolution grows with readers over the years.

Nova (Richard Rider)

Today when anyone thinks of Nova, it’s probably Sam Alexander thanks to his TV appearances. With Sam’s nickname NINO it’s obvious how many fans value the classic Nova, Richard Rider. With this New Warrior’s power-up in Annihilation he truly becomes the Avenger of Space.

Power Pack

The Power Pack is where kid heroes truly shine; not only showing the fun sides, but also how stupid it is for comics to depict tragedy as a plot device. Peter Parker why can’t you be more like these kids?

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