Soul Taker: A Practical Plot

Soul Taker from Mad Cave Studios has its FOC on June 3rd before its release on July 3rd. A simple concept from the co-writers becomes something more. But is it too much in direction or too little in presentation? Let’s find out.

Soul Taker: Survival and Longing

At the heart of Soul Taker is Amarantha, a life-draining ghoul who has lived through centuries, constantly looking over her shoulder. Despite her predatory nature, Amara yearns for more than just survival. This depth in Amara’s character is where the story shines the brightest. Her desire for a connection, potentially a romantic one with a woman in her retirement community, adds a fresh layer to the familiar trope of the ancient, immortal being.

With Petty Foils

Soul Taker could have just one antagonist.
Almost thought the templar was a vampire.

Where the narrative struggles is with two main threats to Amara’s quiet existence: a resurgence of Knights Templars and a pharmaceutical company growing getting greedy for her DNA. It’s an ambitious try at weaving of two arcs with foils to Amara’s plight. This dual-threat by co-writers Tom Sniegoski and Jeannine Acheson heightens the stakes for Amara, making her longing for normalcy more poignant. But it also feels like they are running parallel, competing for attention rather than converging, which might distract some readers.

Predation’s Hits and Misses

Valeria Burzo’s artwork delivers some memorable moments, especially when depicting Amara’s more-than-human abilities. The visual transformation of Amara, from her elongated nails to her predatory stance, captures her essence effectively. A standout sequence involves Amara blending into a brick wall, showcasing Emilio Lecce’s coloring skills that make her sudden, striking appearance pop off the page.

Yet, the visual storytelling occasionally falls into a routine of telling rather than showing. The reliance on narration from Jim Campbell’s lettering can feel redundant alongside dialogue, sometimes undercutting the impact of the artwork. While the illustrations are competent, they often play it safe, leaving readers craving for more visual daring to match the story’s potential.

Soul Taker: A Commendable Effort

Soul Taker #1 is a promising start with a unique protagonist that stands out in the crowded field of immortal beings. While there are areas that could benefit from tighter integration and more adventurous visuals, the core of the story holds great promise. As the series progresses, there is ample opportunity for the creative team to fine-tune their approach, delivering a tale that fully realizes its intriguing premise.

But for now I’m going to have to give this 6.5/10.

The ink’s not dry yet so feel free to check back on further updates.