Tag: Spider-Man

Jeph Loeb: The Humanity of the Unordinary

Jeph Loeb, that’s a name no one who follows comics will ever forget. He’s a writer who has made some of the most character defining […]

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Tom Taylor: Refocusing the Perception

Tom Taylor, now there’s a name that a good chunk of people should find familiar. If you know about the Injustice comics, that’s him. Or […]

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J Michael Straczynski: How To Reacquaint With Humanity’s Worst

J Michael Straczynski, I can see him just about anywhere today. Recently, I find out he’s responsible for the creation of She-Ra. And here I […]

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J.M DeMatteis: The Lyrical Philosophy of Comics

J.M DeMatteis, as I begin to list some of the underrated comics from DC, his name comes up several times. As a prolific creator, DeMatteis […]

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Mark Waid: How To Look At Nostalgia With A New Perspective

Fracadactyl speaking with another bit of Creator Highlights. Now here’s a name I can never manage to avoid without seeing something by him. Mark Waid […]

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Brian Michael Bendis: Why Reinvention Is Just Selling Out

Comic publishers, please listen. Brian Michael Bendis’ strengths are with crime drama, displaying actions, and writing teenagers. Do not make his practices of killing off characters you don’t like, just adding new characters out of nowhere without establishing them, and radically changing characters for drama as regular things.

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Spider-Man Stalemate in Most of the 2010s

You want to know why Spider-Man’s one of my favorite characters? Because only he can bring out both the best and worst in a publisher.

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