Fumetti: Why It’s Running On Massive Creative Fumes

Controversial origins involving fascist dictators and then being bought out by the biggest corporation in the world. Is Italy’s Fumetti’s really running low on creative flows?

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Kryptonians: Discover The Abominations of DC Comics

While everyone knows that Kryptonians as a whole are dangerous under a yellow sun, the true sources of their power is even more terrifying.

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International Ladies of the Sexual Revolution

When it comes to the Sexual Liberation, there has to be a balance between the sensations and having substance between the acts.

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DC’s Earth Paradox: What’s Behind Its Origin?

Now here’s one theory that I thought was going to drive me crazy. And it’s only because Grant Morrison’s view of Earth in DC is so insane.

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Irresistible: A Failure In Plot and Perspective

Sometimes, it’s just really hard to tell what makes a series so well Irresistible.

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Calexit: A Revolutionary In The Military Or A Commercial?

To everyone who lives in California, don’t just pack up and leave the US. Anyone including the creators of these comics can tell you that it’s not worth it.

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Monitos: It’s Not Your First Impression of Mexico

Mexico has a long culture of comics in trying to show their creative flare. Nowadays it is reentering the ring with its national heroes with Luchaverse.

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Superhero Love Life: Is It Even Possible?

What that up in the sky? It’s a bird, no wait it is a plane saying… I’m going to be late for the wedding?! Welcome […]

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Historietas: Announcing Most of The Argentine Comic History

Argentina is a country known for its many conflicts, so it was only natural for comic books to create situations that complement the country.

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To Steal An Ant-Man: How Reliable Are Multiplying Depictions?

Such a simple story about the Ant-Man legacy lead to development of two characters, one for the better another for the worse.

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