Ra’s al Ghul and The Debate Over His Ideals

Ra’s al Ghul, assassin, mastermind, wannabe protector of nature. With global warming threatening the environment if something is not done, is Ra’s plans to wipe out humanity justified?

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Brian Michael Bendis: Why Reinvention Is Just Selling Out

Comic publishers, please listen. Brian Michael Bendis’ strengths are with crime drama, displaying actions, and writing teenagers. Do not make his practices of killing off characters you don’t like, just adding new characters out of nowhere without establishing them, and radically changing characters for drama as regular things.

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For The Man Who Has Everything: Alan Moore’s Favorite

Alan Moore’s stance on adaptations of his works makes Steven King’s feelings for “The Shining” look small. Which is what makes for the Man Who Has Everything so notable.

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Killers in Love: The Tragedy of Idol Worship

I never thought it was possible, two app services made comics that make sociopathic serial killers and their love lives compelling.

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Hellcat and Mockingbird: Compare Marked Down Heroes

Two Marvel characters who have been around for decades; Patsy Walker the Archie competitor turned hero, and Bobbi Morse the can’t be nailed down super agent. If only they could be around more often.

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Krishna: A Journey Within vs Noah – Image on Religion

It looks like Image is the go to publisher when it comes to depictions of subjects, even controversial topics like religion.

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J’son and His Likely Turn to the Darkside

It’s a shame J’son was never included in the MCU, this had potential for Star Wars jokes. In fact I even came up with a way for J’son to be a better Anakin Skywalker.

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Superhero Team and How to Make Them Legal

If you’ve ever dreamed of having a superhero team in real life, you might want to pay attention and consider all of the angles.

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Luna Brothers’ Universe of Small Connections

Could the Luna Brothers have been building a shared Mythos? Let’s find out.

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Carol Danvers: You Are An Airman Snuffy!

Carol Danvers, a controversial character since her inception. Hopefully the movie with Brie Larson can portray Carol as the strong but not self-righteous.

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