Monitos: It’s Not Your First Impression of Mexico

Mexico has a long culture of comics in trying to show their creative flare. Nowadays it is reentering the ring with its national heroes with Luchaverse.

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Superhero Love Life: Is It Even Possible?

What that up in the sky? It’s a bird, no wait it is a plane saying… I’m going to be late for the wedding?! Welcome […]

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Historietas: Announcing Most of The Argentine Comic History

Argentina is a country known for its many conflicts, so it was only natural for comic books to create situations that complement the country.

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To Steal An Ant-Man: How Reliable Are Multiplying Depictions?

Such a simple story about the Ant-Man legacy lead to development of two characters, one for the better another for the worse.

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Spider-Man Stalemate in Most of the 2010s

You want to know why Spider-Man’s one of my favorite characters? Because only he can bring out both the best and worst in a publisher.

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RoboCop Citizen’s Arrest: How Sequelitis Hides Valuable Secrets

Do you know what’s great about RoboCop? I hope so because the makers of RoboCop: Citizen’s Arrest didn’t.

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Hank Pym: The Private Difference Between Schizophrenia and Insanity

Henry “Hank” Pym is one of the most well known characters in comic book history. He was the first Ant-Man, discovering the Pym Particles that […]

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Elektra: Discover Greg Rucka’s Startling Character Flop

How can a writer like Greg Rucka, known for bringing real character into his works like with Wonder Woman screw up with Elektra?

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Morning Glories: An Outlandish Mystery Demanding A Refund

You know after nearly tearing my hair out, I wouldn’t blame Nick Spencer for not wanting to go back into Morning Glories.

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Irredeemable: Welcome To The MacGuffin Fraud Case

This is one theory that I wrapped my head around so much that I could see myself being irredeemable for not bringing it up sooner.

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