Gail Simone: Reinventing the Status Quo

Gail Simone, the creator who takes redefinition to a whole new level. Look where this writer began to her position as a creative director.

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Retcons: Everything You Need To Know About Story Changes

Retcons, so many ways things to say and do for a character; so many ways to mess it up.

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Kaiju Bigotry: How Exploiting People’s Nature Kills

Kaiju, the representation of man’s struggle against nature. The many who would cage these creatures are shown in full in these series.

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Bande Dessinée: Everything You Need To Know About The Ninth Artform

I gotta learn French, it’s a pretty language and it has some of the widest spread areas in terms of comics.

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Pets Trending into Comic Publishing

I knew pets were popular but now I can’t decide whether to get a Corgi or not.

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Leave It To Chance: Is There a Last Chance

Should Paul Smith come out of hiding or should James Robinson Leave the entire series To Chance?

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The Best Batman that Gotham Needs

Is Bruce Wayne fine the way he is; or could cowl of Batman be worn by a better man?

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Satoshi Mizukami: Challenging the Perspective

For Satoshi Mizukami, manga isn’t just about high stakes battles; but personal journeys. Whether it is character driven or changing creative gears.

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DC Martians: Everything You Need About Green and White Martians

It’s great to Martian Manhunter again, but I’ve been wondering a lot about DC’s other martians. Wanna see what I think?

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First Comics: The Legacy of Creator-Owners

First Comics’ the name says it all when it comes to creator-owned comics and licensing.

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