Ultimate Comics X-Men by Brian Wood: The Last Hurrah

I don’t normally have much time to write about the Ultimate Comics after Mark Millar’s influence. I never really pay much attention to this imprint […]

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Grant Morrison: The Secret of 5 Transcending Meta-Narratives

Grant Morrison, now here’s a name that will stick with me until the end of time. Whenever I look or read about their work, they’re […]

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Jeff Lemire: Why Identity Is The Biggest Challenge Of Life

This is a story about a writer from up North; Jeff Lemire is someone who injects the anxieties and struggles of humanity. Since his early […]

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Mark Waid: How To Look At Nostalgia With A New Perspective

Fracadactyl speaking with another bit of Creator Highlights. Now here’s a name I can never manage to avoid without seeing something by him. Mark Waid […]

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Lupin III: Falling in Love With Passions

I’m sure many anime and manga fans know by now; Monkey Punch, creator of Lupin III, is dead. Ironically Kazuo Koike died from the same […]

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Kazuo Koike: A Retrospective On The Architect of Modern Manga

It’s always sad when someone who enriches your life dies. Kazuo Koike is no exception for me or anyone. This gensakusha along with mangaka Goseki […]

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Garth Ennis: How To Dissect Frustrations

Bang!Alright give me the tag and let’s mosey along.Welcome to Creator Highlights where we do autopsies of stories by comic creators. Garth Ennis is one […]

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Robert Venditti on Finding Yourself in the Strange

Now here’s a creator I can relate to in a big way. Creator Highlights is all about finding the narrative strengths of creators; but for […]

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Jonathan Hickman On How To Do Ensemble Epics

Hello Netizens, Fracadactyl here. Today on Creator Highlights, we’ll be going over one writer who a few long runners can learn from. Jonathan Hickman writer […]

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Detective Comics #1000 v Action Comics #1000

It’s a fanboy’s debate topic as old as the medium. Superman the Last of Krypton and Batman the Dark Knight; both iconic and everlasting character […]

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