Gone Feral

Gone Feral Pilot Pages

Gone Feral is a story by me Jake โ€œFracadactylโ€ Palermo while providing coloring and a few onomatopoeias. The pencils, character designs, and inking are by Afia Shaid.

Gone Feral Main Story (Edits Semi-Regularly)

Part 1

Page 1
Panel 1: A planet with Earth-like qualities is in view
Panel 2: Going closer in is a city with a sign saying โ€œWelcome to Ghilt City, home of the Bakaigo sports leagueโ€ in an alien language.
Panel 3: Small bird-like creatures fly about.
Panel 4: The scene changes to a stadium sponsoring a โ€˜Union Peace Dayโ€™.

Page 2
Panel 1: A statue at the top of the stadium reads โ€˜Heroic Champion: Tamir Toshiโ€™ with a group of diverse creatures.
Panel 2: Across the stadium but below the statue are murals of children playing with a hamster-like Bakaigo as concerned adults watch.
Panel 3: On another mural, an older child and parent are seen making physical contact with a capybara-like Bakaigo while holographic screens are projected on their arms.

Page 3
Panel 1: Crowds decorate the stadium with both people and Bakaigo.
Panel 2: One child shoot a beam out of wristheld a holographic projector.
Panel 3: This causes a rodent-like Bakaigo to scurry down near the child and another larger Bakaigo.
Panel 4: The childโ€™s parent gestures the child to focus on the event going on.

Page 4
Panel 1-3: A preadolescent child with the name tag of Emi is dancing synchronized with a large bird-like Bakaigo.
Panel 4: The crowd cheers to the performance
Panel 5: The judge is ready to announce the winnerโ€ฆ
Panel 6: when an explosion occurs!

Page 5
Panel 1: Large to mid-size flying Bakaigo shoot streams of flames on certain areas.
Panel 2-3: A larger pachyderm-like Bakaigo charges tearing down support pillars and the panel between.
Panel 4: Some of the Bakaigo dropped explosives.

Page 6
Panel 1: Emi looks horrified to see what is going on as the mayhem is reflected in her eyes.
Panel 2: The screen zooms out as Yuova evacuates her master.
Panel 3: Circular robotic Bakaigo hover above.

Page 7
Panel 1: As the attacks go on, a man has his Bakaigo companionsโ€ฆ
Panel 2: project his image and voice from a place of worship.
Man: Attention people of Ghilt City, my name is Jin.

Page 8
Panel 1-2: Jinโ€™s face is displayed at different angles.
Jin: Many people donโ€™t know or remember me. Why they donโ€™t isnโ€™t important. What is important is expelling the belief that you live in a simple utopia. There is more to the world than just what you and what others had you believe.
Panel 3: Jin waves his hand over the ruined ground.
Jin: Just this is more than enough of how things can be. But donโ€™t just take the surface, see the truth.
Panel 4-5: The manโ€™s image disappears with Emi still in shock.

Page 9
Panel 1: At a hideout away from the city.
Panel 2: Jin walks to the porch as a sheep-like Bakaigo approaches him.
Panel 3: Jin checks a panel in the wool, revealing that the Bakaigo is mechanical.
Panel 4: Pushing a few commands and buttonsโ€ฆ
Panel 5: the fake Bakaigo looks pleased.
Panel 6: Jin walks into the hideoutโ€™s doors.

Page 10
Panel 1: Woman: You were something Jinโ€ฆ
Panel 2: Jin: Yeah, something terrifying.
Jin looks at a TV with the light hitting his face.
Panel 3: The news display the scene of destruction he and the Bakaigo caused.
Panel 4: A man is wiping a glass.
Man: Donโ€™t forget that you wanted this.
Panel 5: The man lays down a strangely shaped glass with a stained painting.

Page 11
Panel 1: Jin looks stonefaced as he catches a scent.
Jin: Jo, get some drinks for our guests.
Panel 2: Some uniformed people enter the doorway.
Grunt: Cute tricks out there. You made the boss look like school kid.
Panel 3: Bakaigo move past the grunts.
Grunt: Listen weโ€™ve got a good thing going, itโ€™s nothing personal.
Panel 4: The lead grunt snaps his fingers as the Bakaigo attack.
Panel 5: Jin doesnโ€™t even turn around but his presence intimidates the Bakaigo. Much to the shock of the grunts.

Page 12
Panel 1: Jin takes the stain glass bottle and proceeds to drink while sliding off his mask.
Panel 2: The grunts look in terror.
Jin: Do you know what separates a mesopredator from an apex?
Panel 3: The gruntsโ€™ Bakaigo cower by their tamers.
Jin: Mesopredators are risk averse even in packs.
Panel 4: Jin coughs as his shadow grows larger.
Jin: An apex meanwhile finds a way to exploit every possible niche to get on top.

Page 13
Panel 1: The grunts and Bakaigo huddle together as a beast-like shadow looms over them.
Jin: This allows species to self-regulate. Because the biggest threats are of course themselves.
Jin sounds more feral
Panel 2: The grunts and Bakaigo are splashed with drinks.
Jin: What separates me from an Apex is how I consume, decompose, and produce.
Panel 3: A bright flash erupts from the hideout.

Page 14
Panel 1: At a worship place, Yuova is looking for Emi.
Panel 2: Emi is wandering around calling out names.
Panel 3: She spots a backpack with a name near a tent.
Panel 4: She quickly approaches the tent.
Panel 5: Without opening it, Emi hears beeping noises and medics working in frustration.

Page 15
Panel 1: Backing away slowlyโ€ฆ
Panel 2: Emi bumps into moving people and falls to the ground.
Panel 3: Most of the adults that are around are too distracted by other kids to notice Emi.
Panel 4: Yuova notices Emi.

Page 16
Panel 1: Rushing towards Emi, people are scared of the sight of Yuovaโ€™s quick movement.
Panel 2: Some security personal intercept the bird.
Panel 3: As Yuova struggles, a security officer scans Yuova.
Panel 4: Finding a matching energy ID with Emi, the officers let Yuova go.
Panel 5: Yuova rushes over to Emiโ€™s side as the officers look helplessly at the situation.

Page 17
Panel 1: Beneath a stained glass window Yuova comforts Emi as she drifts off to sleep.
Panel 2: The panel walls distort as Emi turns viciously.
Panel 3: She then breaks out in a cold sweat.
Panel 4: Emi screams awake with her pupils dilated.
Panel 5: Yuova picks Emi up and goes to a place serving water.

Page 18
Panel 1: As Yuova and Emi wait in line, Emi is given a book about the hero Tamir Toshi.
Panel 2: Inside the book are pictures of Toshiโ€™s adventures in stained glass-like images.
Panel 3: Emi skips to the part where Toshi battles grunts like the ones Jin encountered, the Brotherhood of Legion.
Book Text: The Brotherhood of Legion in their attempts to dominate the Bakaigo had their world turned upside down by Tamir Toshi. Turning their tactics against them, the brotherhood was left in disarray.
Panel 4: As Emi reads, the security personnel are confiscating Bakaigo from tamers that donโ€™t have a matching energy ID.
Book Text: The unity between tamer and his Bakaigo friends manage to triumph over the exploitive dealers. For there was no honor to be found in conflict.

Page 19
Panel 1: Emi hyperventilates as she sees everyone in disarray.
Panel 2: Yuova puts up Emiโ€™s arm to activate her projector.
Panel 3: On the news is a report on Jinโ€™s hideout and how ragged Brotherhood uniforms suggest this is their hideout.
Panel 4: Emi hears Jinโ€™s phrase โ€œSee the Truthโ€.
Emi screams in frustration as sheโ€™s falls to her knees.

Page 20
Panel 1: Yuova sits Emi down as they are given some antipsychotics and water.
Panel 2: Emi begins to hear cries of begging but they donโ€™t sound human.
Panel 3: Bakaigo are being moved in trucks for rewilding outside.
Panel 4: โ€œAre you sure rewilding these Bakaigo are the best option?โ€ Says a security officer.
โ€œOrders are orders.โ€ Says another leading the migration. โ€œMight be nice to find one of those legendary ones though.โ€

Page 21
Panel 1: Emiโ€™s eyes seem to brighten as she listens in.
โ€œYou mean like the ones from the festival?โ€
Panel 2: Emi recalls rhino-like Bakaigo.
โ€œNo way, those are bred to be domestic. I mean the real deal.โ€
Panel 3: Emi begins to listen intently as Yuova tries to get her attention.
โ€œI heard a rumor that the Bakaigo those pets are based from can see everything all at once. Hence the title โ€œThe All-Seeing Hornโ€. Living up in the mountains, it hones itโ€™s survival instincts so high that not even the best tamers can find it.โ€
Panel 4: Emi looks determined.
โ€œMan if that thing is real, just imagine what it could do to Jin.โ€

Page 21
Panel 1: Yuova pecks at Emi to take her pills.
Emi: Not now!
Panel 2: Emi slaps back with Yuova in a state of surprise of hearing her master speak since the incident.
Panel 3: Emi is looking intently into reports and sights of possible areas where the โ€œAll-Seeing Hornโ€ could be.
Emi: Gotta find leads, gotta track it down!
Panel 4: Yuovaโ€™s expression of surprised relief turns to concern.

Page 22
Panel 1: Emi grabs Yuovaโ€™s head.
Emi: We gotta get supplies! Itโ€™s going to be a long trip!
Panel 2: Yuova looks at Emiโ€™s map on the projector with even more concern.
Panel 3: The security chief makes an announcement as Emi and Yuova react.
Unseen Chief: Attention Tamers, we are undergoing evacuation for all non-locals of Ghilt City. Please stay with security personnel as we vacate the premises. Please keep all personal belongings, you will be given some ample supplies as you go out of town.
Panel 4: Emi takes up her backup and quickly moves towards the door while leaving behind her pills.

Page 23
Panel 1: Once outside, Emi and Yuova are in line for some emergency supplies.
Panel 2: Looking bored and impatientโ€ฆ
Panel 3: Emi sees parents on vacation with a child.
Panel 4: Emi brings up her communication features on her projector.
Panel 5: She tries to call her motherโ€ฆ
Panel 6: But she doesnโ€™t pick up.

Page 24
Panel 1: Emi tries againโ€ฆ
Panel 2: A tamer behind her pushes Emi forward.
Panel 3: Emiโ€™s mother doesnโ€™t answer anyway.
Panel 4: At her place, Emi receives supplies from security personnel.
Security Officer: Hometown kid?
Panel 5: With fist clenched, Emi angrily walks away.
Emi: It doesnโ€™t matter.

Part 2

Page 25
Panel 1: A person wakes up in an empty apartment. No furniture, not even a bed, just a mat.
Panel 2: The person just lays still for a while.
Panel 3: A floating egg like robot appears in front of the personโ€™s face.
Robot: Hello Jin, I believe today is something you mark-
Panel 4: Jin crushes the robot in his right hand.

Page 26
Panel 1: The robot is thrown onto a desk.
Panel 2: Jo walks over to the wrecked robot.
Jo: Ah come on Jin, Kingoโ€™s part of the family.
Panel 3: Jin packs some supplies including soft food packets and water bottles.
Jin: That thing is only good for notifications! (Cough!)
Panel 4: Jin heads to the door.
Jo: Itโ€™s that time isnโ€™t it? Do you think theyโ€™ll want to see you after so long?
Panel 5: Jin walks out the door.
Jin: If your drinks donโ€™t work I donโ€™t know what will.

Page 27
Panel 1: Some tamers have made camp looking bruised and tired.
Male tamer 1: Man, that girl was vicious.
Male tamer 2: Yeah times are tough but I didnโ€™t think sheโ€™d turn a projector on us.
Female tamer: With security going all out on trying to track Jin down, theyโ€™re forgetting about people getting illegal mods.
Panel 2: The first male tamer holds hand near his chest.
Male tamer 1: I heard somebodyโ€™s heart actually stopped when shot with the paralyzer like that.
Female tamer: Didnโ€™t that girl say she was looking for some Legendary Bakaigo?

Page 28
Panel 1: A shadow listens in on the conversation from above in the trees.
Male tamer 2: Are you kidding? Theyโ€™re only legendary because people make up stories about them?
Panel 2: A smaller shadow climbs down to listen get a better ear.
Male tamer 1: With that freak Jin around, can you blame tamers for wanting a real legendary for protection.
Panel 3: The silhouetted creature seems surprised as it accidentally cracks a branch.
Male tamer 1: What was that?
Female tamer: Up there!

Page 29
Panel 1: The Bakaigo is hit with a rock and knocked out of the tree.
Panel 2: As it drops down, the tamers surround it with their projectors.
Male tamer 2: Never seen anything like this before.
Panel 3: The tamers Bakaigo are whimpering at the sight of a large shadow.
Panel 4: Leaveโ€ฆ now!

Page 30
Panel 1: The tamers run off scared.
Panel 2: A human kneels down to the joey Tasmanian Tiger Bakaigo.
Jin: Are you alright Joiru?
Panel 3: The large shadow from the top of the tree lands where the small Bakaigo lies.
Panel 4: Jin does not even move as he keeps his eyes on Joiru.

Page 31
Panel 1: The Bakaigo climbs into the pouch of its biomechanical mount of tree sinew and bones.
Panel 2: Jin finally notices the mech.
Jin: Pretty nice work.
Panel 3: Joiru growls at the masked man.
Jin: Iโ€™m not here to ask you to join me after whatever youโ€™ve heard.
Panel 4: Jin takes out half of a stained glass locket.
Jin: I came to say goodbye.
Panel 5: Joiru looks at the locket in surprise.
Jin: Iโ€™m going to see him next.
Panel 6: Joiru takes the locket half looking melancholic.
Panel 7: Whoever else is looking for him better watch out.

Page 31
Panel 1: On a map are marks in a mountainous area. A finger points to the middle.
Emi: This has to be it. The All-Seeing Horn.
Panel 2: Emi has bags under her eyes.
Panel 3: She and a very dusty Yuova are camping on a ledge.
Panel 4: Near the ledge theyโ€™re on, are signs of climbing the wall and a number of struggles.
Panel 5: Opposite to them is a pathway that would have made the climb up the mountain easier.

Page 32
Panel 1-3: Emi looks through her equipment: light emitting noisemakers with modes for sleep and disorientation, magnets for freezing, and an upgraded paralyzer.
Panel 4: Emiโ€™s currency: ~150. Average Price of Water in a bottle: 50.
Panel 5: Emi packs her gear and is ready to climb. Only for Yuova to screech.

Page 33
Panel 1: Emi: โ€œQuit your bellyaching!โ€ Emi attempts to grab onto surfaces but her hands shake.
Panel 2: Yuova pulls Emi down with her tail feathers and activates one of the LENs.
Panel 3: Yuova meanwhile gently rocks Emi back and forth. โ€œThose only work on Bakaigo youโ€ฆโ€
Panel 4: Emi drifts off to sleep as Yuova loosens her grip
Panel 5: Yuova falls asleep with Emi sleeping on one of Yuovaโ€™s tail feathers.

Page 35
Panel 1: Emi climbs up the wall by using Yuova as a stand.
Emi: Wake up! We gotta move!
Panel 2: The sun directly above them gets in Yuovaโ€™s eyes as Emi gets above the cliff.
Panel 3: One of Yuovaโ€™s tail feathers are numb from causing her to cry out.
Panel 4: Emi is going into a cave that seems carved out by an animal.
Emi: Then you shouldnโ€™t have rocked me to sleep! Iโ€™m not even going to wait up for you this time!

Page 36
Panel 1: Emi walks further into the caveโ€ฆ
Panel 2: As it gets darkerโ€ฆ
Panel 3: Until she reaches a part of the cave that brightens with a hue of red.
Panel 4: As it gets better, Emi readies her projectorโ€™s paralyzer.
Panel 5: Emi spots a shadow and hides behind a corner.

Page 37
Panel 1: Peaking her head, she spotsโ€ฆ
Panel 2: Jin with Joiru as Joiru joins the other half of the stained glass locket together showing pictograms of each other.
Panel 3: Emi is shocked at this!
Panel 4: Almost as much as Yuova shrieking at the top of her lungs startling everyone. The stained glass bottles with half-finished drinks drop from people moving.

Page 38
Panel 1: Jin clenches his fist after this.
Jin: Leave now!
Panel 2: Emi is frustrated that she was found out, almost as much as Yuova tries to pull her away.
Panel 3: Emi activates her paralyzer on disciplinary mode, shooting a beam at Yuova.
Emi: No!
Panel 4: Emi steps out angrily with the paralyzer getting louder and brighter.
Emi: I have come too far to waste so many opportunities.
Panel 5: Emi is ready to fire the paralyzerโ€ฆ

Page 39
Panels 1: Jinโ€™s arm grows quills that spark electricity.
Panel 2: Emiโ€™s arm recoils backward as her projector glitches.
Emi: Ow!
Panel 3: Jin looms over Emiโ€ฆ almost snarling.
Panel 4: Emi shakes in reaction.
Panel 5: Jin turns towards Yuova.
Jin: You! Get this kid out of here.

Page 40
Panel 1: Yuova tries to move her working tail feather.
Panel 2: Emi recalls all of the trauma that she suffered at Ghilt City everyone seems to feel it!
Emi: No!
Panel 3: Ruyno growls at Jin.
Panel 4: Jin rests his hand on his friend.
Jin: Easy there tough guy.
Panel 5: Ruyno calms down.
Panel 6: Jin turns towards Emi with intense rage.
Jin: Get out of here! This place wonโ€™t be safe for much longer.

Page 41
Panel 1: Emi tries to pull out something from her backpack.
Emi: You donโ€™t get to-
Panel 2: Jin hits Emiโ€™s face with his knee.
Panel 3: Emi kneels in pain holding her face.
Jin: So you were at Ghilt City and wanted revenge for the friends you made? What was your plan? To be Ruynoโ€™s friend so that you could use him against me?
Panel 4: Yuova can barely move even as Emi gets hurt after feeling her fears.
Jin: I can deal with spoiled kids who only rely on their pets.

Page 42
Panel 1: Jin holds up Emi by the face with his left arm.
Jin: What I donโ€™t tolerate are any of that manโ€™s machinations.
Panel 2: Jin proceeds to squeeze Emiโ€™s head.
Panel 3: Yuova attempts to tackle Jin.
Panel 4: Only for Jin to hold her with his right arm transforming further.
Panel 5: With electricity sparking from the quills, Jin accesses Yuovaโ€™s mind.
Jin: Doesnโ€™t mean everything should be a part of it.

Page 43
Panel 1: Jin sees parts of Yuovaโ€™s mind at her base memories.
Panel 2: When Jin sees a baby Emi receiving a rodent-like plush toy, he is shocked.
Panel 3: Jin drops Yuova as she regains feeling in her other tail feather.
Jin: Miona?
Panel 4: Jin keeps his grip on Emi as he walks to Emiโ€™s bag.
Panel 5: He takes out an LEN and activates the sleep frequency.

Page 44
Panel 1: Emi wakes up feeling numb.
Panel 2: She finds herself in Jinโ€™s apartment on his sleeping mat with the plush toy from the memory.
Panel 3: Emi looks confused.
Emi: What happened? Yuova!
Panel 4: A woman is in the doorway.
Woman: Good your awake, those bruises looked painful.
Panel 5: Emi recalled Jinโ€™s hand trying to crush her.
Woman: Jinโ€™s not here right now. When youโ€™re ready join everyone in the parlor. My name is Byza by the way.

Page 45
Panel 1: As Byza leaves, Emi looks at the aged plush remembering it as a little girl.
Panel 2: Emi thinking about her mother reaches for her projector but itโ€™s missing with a burn left in its place.
Panel 3: Emi looks around nervously at the empty room.
Panel 4: She takes the mat with her, wearing it on her shoulders, as she walks out the door.

Page 46
Panel 1: Emi moves slowly down the hallway, passing by roomsโ€ฆ
Panel 2: One had colorful furniture which clashed at certain points.
Panel 3: Another had monochromatic furniture with a two person gray bed in the center.
Panel 4: Another room had items that donโ€™t seem to go together.
Panel 5: Emi then finds Yuova in a very familiar room.

Page 47
Panel 1: As Yuova goes up to the astonished Emiโ€ฆ
Panel 2: Emi recalls her mother folding laundry.
Panel 3: As well as the rooms she passed being locked doorsโ€ฆ
Panel 4: โ€ฆWith Jinโ€™s apartment being laid with decorations.
Panel 5: Emi realizesโ€ฆ
Emi: This isโ€ฆ
Panel 6: Emi runs to the windowโ€ฆ

Page 48: Emi looks outside to see a town.
Emi: Uobah Town?

Part 3

Page 36
Panel 1: Jin: I disabled your gallery.
Emiโ€™s projector device is on a table in pieces. A few pieces are focused as they are in the most pieces.
Panel 2:
Jin: Canโ€™t risk emergency trackers. Although Iโ€™m pretty sure you wanted to see whatโ€™s on record.
Panel 3: A video is projected onto a wall.

Page 37
Panel 1: It shows Yuova looking over Emi as the Bakaigo picks her up and follows Jin.
Panel 2: A flash occurs near a beacon transporting everyone to their current location.
Panel 3: Yuova lays Emi on a table as the Gallery is removed from Emiโ€™s wrist.
Panel 4: Emi: You let this happen?!

Page 38
Panel 1: Jin: Sheโ€™s very maternal. Although after some tests, I canโ€™t say Iโ€™m surprised.
Panel 2-3: Jin: See kid, let me show you where Bakaigo come from.
Jin pushes the table Emi is on to a slit in the wall.

Page 39
Panel 1: On the other side of the slit, Emi sees a series of bodies of animals, humans, and several plants.
Panel 2: A robot from the ceiling collects an amount from the piles and with everything in placeโ€ฆ

Page 40
Panel 1: The bodies begin to contort and change!
Panel 2: Using some lasers, the biomass begins to be shape and later take on characteristics.

Page 41
Out of the biomass comes something with roots for feet, a sphere for a main body with wood wrapping around it, ferns and fibers for limbs, and leaves and flowers for antenna.

Page 42
Panel 1: Emi is shocked wondering what just happened.
Panel 2: Jin shows IDs for some of the people who were in the room.
Panel 3: He also shows the pictures of focused on animals he showed Emi earlier.
Jin: I did say โ€˜See the Truthโ€™.

Page 43
Panel 1: Emi is still in shock as thoughts run through her head about how the Bakaigo that she interacted withโ€ฆ
are actually something else with distorted faces and body parts present.
Panel 2: Some of the Bakaigo material are seen torn from their family photos.
Panel 3: Some of the Bakaigo cry out on why they were forced to fight.
Panel 4: Utility Bakaigo are even seen as slaves treated badly.

Page 44
Panel 1: Tears run down Emiโ€™s face.
Panel 2: Jin: Thatโ€™s not even the scariest part.
Jin tips Emiโ€™s table to another slit.
Panel 3: An arena shows Bakaigo in battle.

Page 45
Panel 1: One of the monsters pushes its opponent into a solution that causes it to revert into a gel.
Jin: The main reason Bakaigo battle, is because they feed on the stem cells these things ooze out.
Panel 2: The Bakaigo lifts up the vat and chugs down the gel.
Jin: Theyโ€™re absorbed over the course of a fight, which is why nobody found them with their naked eyes.

Page 46
Panel 1: Jin: As for the healing stops, they actually use the data of Bakaigo to treat or even replace them with clones.
A Bakaigo is seen under a pod that heals the creature, a monitor displays using stem cells in the Bakaigoโ€ฆ
Panel 2: as it surgically disintegrates the Bakaigoโ€™s heart while quickly replacing it with a new one.

Page 47
Panel 1: Jin: That medicine you give em, it actually enhances their natural high stem cell production.
A Bakaigo tamer uses a sprayable medicine causing his small Bakaigo to burst out in speed and knock out the wild Bakaigo.
Panel 2: Jin: Naturally, this comes with side effects.
The small Bakaigo passes out from exhaustion. A tumor had also formed on its leg.

Page 48
Panel 1: Jin: The same applies for those enhancers, besides doping them up. It suppresses the memory parts of their brain.
The same tamer in danger of being attacked again gives a chewable figure to his tired Bakaigo.
Panel 2: The Bakaigoโ€™s head tightens.
Panel 3: Jin: This makes them more aggressive and susceptible to suggestion.
The Bakaigo viciously attacks the wild Bakaigo after the tamer asks for help.

Page 49
Panel 1: Jin: After itโ€™s all over, itโ€™s like one of the worst hangovers anyone can have and the critters and tamers are left oblivious to the whole affair.
Panel 2: The Bakaigo had changed form, no longer possessing its tumor. It passes out sick from the battle around a field of fallen Bakaigo.
Panel 3: The tamer picks up the Bakaigo in a dizzy state and runs.
Jin:  Itโ€™s a two way drug that targets precious familial and traumatizing memories for both tamer and monster, making them forget both events.

Page 50
Panels 1-3: Emi recalls Yuova never wanting any of the medicine offered to her and only fought to protect Emi, never participating in tamer battles.

Page 51
Panel 1: Jin releases Emi from the table while carrying her as Yuova followed.
Panel 2-3:Taking a path out, the plant they are in is revealed to be below the burned down Uobah Townโ€™s temple.
Panel 4: Emi however is still in shock about the turn of events to notice.

Page 52
Panel 1: Yuova runs over to the remains of her and Emiโ€™s house.
Panel 2: She searches through the rubble finding a soot covered doll of a mouse-like Bakaigo.
Panel 3: She gives the toy over to a sobbing Emi who holds it in her arms.
Panel 4: Jin catches a look at the doll. He remembers seeing it a long time ago.

Page 53
Panel 1: Past Jin: Hey, I donโ€™t know what to give you, but I think you might like this.
Past Jin gives a baby the doll.
Panel 2: Past Jin: I donโ€™t really like how people popularize something that doesnโ€™t even have any fight in it, but maybe itโ€™ll help you get through life.
Panel 3: A woman overlooks her baby as she turns towards Jin.
Panel 4: As Jin returns to the present, Yuova is in the womanโ€™s place.

Page 54
Panel 1: Jin: Greatโ€ฆ
Panel 2: Emi remembers what Jin said about Yuova.
Jin: โ€œSheโ€™s very maternalโ€.
Panel 3: Emi as the baby from earlier looks at Yuova.
Emi: Mommy?
Panel 4: Emi looks at Jin in the same way.
Emi: Da-

Page 55
Panel 1: Jin: The reason why kids never call or even remember their parents or loved ones is because they forget about them over periods of exposure to the Bakaigo-based bacteria.
A cell is seen creeping into the nostril of a child.
Panel 2: Jin: Some of the cells are programmed to replace the images of familial loved ones with that of other people.
Silhouetted figures have Bakaigo shapes overshadowing them.
Jin: The same works with the Bakaigo.
Panel 3: Jin looks at Yuova and Emi.
Jin: It helps that their first ones contain the materials of their loved ones.

Page 56
Panel 1: Emi walks up to Jin, reaching out for his hand but recoils.
Panel 2: Jin looks at Emi but turns away.
Panel 3: Jin looks at Yuova before bowing his head in disappointment.
Jin: You deserve the full truth.

Page 57
Panel 1: Jin: It all began years ago when I was a kid. I lived in this village with an egg-shaped caretaker who was the closest thing I had to a mom.
A picture of a child Jin is standing next to a robotic being at their house.
Panel 2: Jin: Back when there wasnโ€™t anything big or great about it. I had friends, a family, and someone I eventually hooked up with.
The screen backs out with child Jin putting on his shoes.
Panel 3: Jin: I never knew my dad, only that he was a scientist whose forte was bio-chemistry.
A picture of man in a lab coat has his face obscured.

Page 58
Panel 1: Jin: I had two childhood friends, my former best friend Ren who I collected figures with and Rio a girl who was more into the digital stuff.
Kid Jin and Ren are holding clay figures while Rio is holding what looks like a virtual pet.
Panel 2: Jin: Ren and I would make our own monsters to play with in various games, always competing and getting into trouble.
Panel 3: Jin: Rio on the other hand wanted to have creatures we could actually make friends with. She was really into virtual pets, especially the more interactive kind. Ren and I liked the idea ourselves even when Rio made fun of us for getting strong pets to fight with.
The kids are seen coming up with the idea of how to play with creatures.
Jin: They were good times.

Page 59
Panel 1: Jin: Growing up sure did stink. As I started puberty I noticed some things were beginning to change.
Teenage Jinโ€™s environment starts to get blurry.
Panel 2: Jin: I tried to contact Ren and Rio but they just vanished for no reason.
Panel 3: Jin walks to a house with a box while looking at an ocean.
Jin: I had to move to a set of islands because of something to do with my old man. I knew something was fishy when he turned out to be a no-show at our houseโ€ฆ
Panel 4: Jin enters the house while keeping his fatherโ€™s picture packed.
Jin: Okay not really.

Page 60
Panel 1: Jin is at a convenience store.
Jin: I was out in town when I heard a rumor about a kid going around from city to city fighting bad guys with monsters.
Panel 2: Images of a boy with a baseball cap on with creatures resembling Jinโ€™s figures and Emiโ€™s doll are shown.
Jin: He was doing things like hitchhiking, stopping in a mansion, and even go up into space.

Page 61
Panel 1: Jin is around a ghetto where people are speaking about the boy.
Jin: Around this time I found a group who practically worshipped the kid.
Panel 2: Jin: I was shocked when I found out what the kid looked like.
Panel 3: Jin takes out a photo of his child self.
Jin: He was practically me as a kid.

Page 62
Panel 1: Jin is at a dock.
Jin: I tried to get a boat out onto the mainland; but whatever I did, I was stopped at every turn.
Panel 2: I tried to tell my caretaker about the kid but things just got even weirder when she didnโ€™t believe meโ€ฆ
Panel 3: even when the kid was on TV.

Page 63
Panel 1: Jin: I got so frustrated about this that I ended up joining the club about this kid.
Jin looks at news stories collected by the group.
Panel 2: Jin: The kid was named Tamir Toshi, apparently he got a team together of Bakaigo to fight these organized crime groups.
Tamir Toshi stands with his Bakaigo team against people in suits.
Panel 3: Jin: Around this time, kids started to follow his example and started having Bakaigo go all around.
Kids are seen imitating Tamir Toshiโ€™s standoff while Bakaigo are being part of society with other humans.
Panel 4: Jin is standing near a similar looking street.
Jin: I started to wonder what was going on and why Bakaigo hadnโ€™t shown up on our island.

Page 64
Panel 1: Jin spies a facility in the middle of construction.
Jin: Around this time, a lab was being built and it was being overseen by my dadโ€™s business partners.
Panel 2: Jin sneaks into the facility.
Jin: I started to go inside when I saw something shocking.
Panel 3: Jin enters the labs with the contents terrifying him.

Page 65
Panel 1: Jin: It was the process of creating Bakaigo and more.
Panel 2: Jin: In a tube I found Tamir Toshi himself. It turned out Tamir was a series of clones and that there were several of them. To my horror, I found out that I was the first clone.
Jinโ€™s arm reveals an ultraviolet indicator showing a serial number.
Panel 3: Jin: By the time I was discovered, I found out why I was sent to the island and what happened to Ren and Rio.

Page 66
Panel 1: Sounds are being heard around town in the present time.
Panel 2: Jin: But how about I show you rather than tell?
Panel 3: Squeaking sounds are heard as bat-like creatures approach the burned town.

Page 67
Panel 1: Jin gets ready to jump as quills begin to sprout out of his limbs.
Panel 2: Electricity begins to surround him as Jinโ€™s limbs start to become more like an animalโ€™s.
Panel 3: A muzzle forms with his ears growing longer, and a tail grows out.
Panel 4: Like a flash of lightning, Jin jumps into the air.

Page 68
Panel 1: As Jin lands on one of the batsโ€ฆ
Panels 2-3: He recalls fighting off the lab guards as a teen as electricity starts to harm the bat and guards.
Panels 4-5: soon electricity starts to arc around him hitting most of the other bats causing them to scatter.

Page 69
Panel 1: Jin starts to fall but soon shifts to a bird-like form that slows him down but catches himself upright.
Panel 2: Emi is shocked to see Jin in that state.
Panel 3: Jin begins reverting back.
Jin: If you think this is scary, just wait until I tell you hear the rest of the story.

Page 70
Panel 1: Past Jin looks at documents on paper before dropping them.
Jin: In that same facility, I found about what happened to Ren and Rio.
Panel 2: Jin runs out of the room.
Panel 3: On the papers are logs with pictures of the clay dolls Jin and Ren played with, as well as names that were not theirs.
Jin: Turns out mine and Renโ€™s ideas sat well for my dadโ€™s business partners. The process for making the Bakaigo didnโ€™t start out that way though.

Page 71
Jin and friends are presented as colored silhouettes (Jin: Blue, Ren: Red, Rio: Green) save for their faces while silhouettes of scientists are behind them.
Jin: Me, Ren, and Rio were actually the initial stages of something big. We were clones of the main staff of a project with some of our earliest memories actually being implanted into us, with a few differences.

Page 72
Panel 1: A close-up of a DNA structure is focused.
Jin: But there were changes when it came to us. My dad had an incurable disease that was practically hereditary. So they made changes by starting from scratch with biomass and changing the DNA to suit new conditions. What is DNA other than code that can just be changed anyway. Of course code is delicate and that made things difficult when it came to stability. Things like glitches can occur cuz of this. But only when puberty hit for us did things really get complicated.
Panel 3: The DNA structure becomes a static screen.

Page 73
Panel 1: Jin: I was actually the first generation of Director Dadโ€™s magnum opus, the Chimera Project. Unlike his sponsors, he was after something more in his ambitions. I started to remember the times puberty started that were suppressed.
Panel 2: Teenaged Jin is seen strapped to a table.
Jin: I remembered being in a lab, held against my will, forced to take part in experiments that lead to my DNA being the only thing those lab coats talked about.

Page 74
Panel 1: Jin: It was unstable, they said something about a virus that affected me and others.
Panel 2: It was then I heard Ren and Rioโ€™s screams.
Pane 3: I wanted to beg for our lives but I couldnโ€™t even do that. I felt so helpless and needy, I didnโ€™t even want to admit that the director was doing this. He was the only thing I had to a family.

Page 75
Panel 1: Jin: Of course when I heard about new projects that would use me as a base, I realized that I was replaced and tossed aside for a newer and better version.
Panel 2: The kids are seen glitching.
Jin: Me, Ren, Rioโ€ฆ we were just glitches to a system that needed to be perfected.
Panel 3: Jin was seen with only a blanket covering him as a teen.
Jin: Unlike Ren and Rio, I was usable in some way to the director but not to the sponsors.

Page 76
Panel 1: Jin is seen on a boatโ€ฆ
Panel 2: He dives off and starts swimming as a smooth-skinned creature.
Panel 3: Jin: I managed to use my newfound abilities to find Ren. He was on an uncharted island testing facility filled with rocks. Like me he had found out about all the things surrounding what was happening outside. His DNA was altered to take in data from multiple sources including light.
Multiple lights are shown flashing out over an island.

Page 77
Panel 1: Jin: He found about Tamir and about us. All things considered, what worried him more was whether Rio was okay.
Panel 2: A dirt drawing of Rio is on the ground.
Panel 3: Jin: He didnโ€™t even mind that he and Rio was cloned to be this promotional item.
On a facility there are meters displaying DNA samples available.
Panel 4: Ren managed to disable the digital equipment so we could at least talk.
Jin attacks the guards, and opens the gates.
Past Jin: Ren?

Page 78
Panel 1: Jin: Of course people donโ€™t know him by that name anymore; heโ€™s now known as Ruyno. Yeah my friends were those Bakaigo you saw earlier. We were the first Bakaigo.
Panel 2-4: Itโ€™s a good thing I brought Rioโ€ฆ sorryโ€ฆ Joiru with me during that trip, Ruyno wouldnโ€™t have even spoken to me. It was really nice to see them embrace the way they did.

Page 79
Panel 1: Past Jin: Iโ€™d ask you two to come with me but I know you have a lot of stuff to deal with. If you ever wanna leave, you two are capable; just donโ€™t wait long. I guess this is good-bye.
Panel 2: Jin: But not for good, they did leave the island.
Panel 3: Jin looks at the scientist who are not fazed by their departure.
Jin: Nobody but me really cared that they went missing, they were just obsolete product records that people made better with clones. The only person really being gunned at was me.
Panel 4: A dark cloud hangs over Jin as a vortex starts to form.

Page 80
Panel 1: Jin: The director wanted to continue his experiments in chimeras and to do so he used Tamir to spread awareness of the Bakaigo but only how they could be used and not what they were.
Panel 2: A politician thanks Toshi and a few scientists on a TV. Jin: The gangs in the area and his heroic actions were the perfect publicity stunt. The director had the work place he needed, and the funding from his sponsors who also wanted the Bakaigo to be used in more ways.
Panel 3: Jin: Most things that came to mind were warfare. Especially since the third generation chimerasโ€™ had the innate ability to control Bakaigo without much effort and were indistinguishable from regular humans.

Page 81
Panel 1: Jin: People got so wrapped up in the idea of Bakaigo that the only people who bothered to give a thought ended up becoming more test subjects.
Panel 2: And now after just a generation, there are no regular people left.
Panel 3: Which brings me to you.

Page 82
Panel 1: Jin is in Uobah Town.
Jin: Out of depression, I came back to my old neighborhood including where my house was. It was now a couple of stories tall like different families lived there.
Panel 2: Just looking at it only made me feel like I had a bigger hole in me.
Panel 3: I was ready to leave with my head down when the door opened and I met her.

Page 83
Panel 1: Woman: Get in!
Panel 2: Jin: After she took me by the arm and locked the door as I lunged at her. I thought she mightโ€™ve been a hitman sent to kill me.
Panel 3: When she tried to kick me in the face, some people ran in about what was going on.
Panel 4: Jo: Miona, whatโ€™s going on?
Woman: Whoโ€™s this creep?

Page 84
Panel 1: People are beginning to get angry.
Miona: Wait, I let him in.
Panel 2: Robotic Egg: You brought in another straggler?
Panel 3: The egg notices Jinโ€™s face.
Robotic Egg: Jin! Itโ€™s alright everyone, he used to live here as a boy.

Page 85
Panel 1: Jin: I was just leaving.
Jin tries to grab the door before Miona intercepts.
Panel 2: Miona: Hold it, thereโ€™s a storm coming!
Panel 3: Jin: Iโ€™ve been through worse. Including being here!

Page 86
Panel 1: Jo: Hey buddy, have you had any sleep?
Panel 2: Jin: Just open the door!
Panel 3: Egg: If youโ€™d like, I can show everyone here-
Panel 4: Miona: Hey, at least pretend to read the atmosphere!

Page 87
Panel 1: Jin: The only reason Iโ€™m not decking you is so you donโ€™t call the authorities, so unless you want things to get messy take your hand off of me!
Panel 1.5: Egg: Now may be a good time to put you to sleep like the old days.
Panel 2: Jinโ€™s arm gains an exoskeleton as he quickly grabs the eggโ€™s hatch.
Jin: Donโ€™t talk like we were friends! Youโ€™re just another reminder of everything that monster did to me!
Panel 3: Everyone is scared by what Jin is doing.

Page 88
Panel 1: Miona: Thatโ€™s my friend youโ€™re threatening!
Miona had me by the neck.
Panel 2: Past Jin: Let go of me you nag!
Panel 3: Jin: We started to tussle a bit until I tripped and made us fall down into the basement.
Jo: We were going down here anywayโ€ฆ

Page 89
Panel 1: Woman: Kingo, mind telling us about this guy while we get down there.
Panel 2-3: Jin tries to dig with plasma ejecting from his armored hand hand but it quickly sparks out.
Panel 4: Spikes come out and using what he has left, Jin tries to dig out using small plasma spouts from the spikes. The other people are coming down.

Page 90
Panel 1: Jo: Was he always this stubborn?
Panel 2: Kingo: Not always, it mainly started after puberty.
Panel 3: Woman: Whoโ€™s this monster he was talking about?
Panel 4: Kingo: His father, Tamir Jintoshi.

Page 91
Panel 1: Jo: Still hasnโ€™t found his way in life huh? At least Miona is okay.
Panel 2: Jo walks up to Jin and puts down a drink.
Panel 3-4: Jin is tired from exhausting his calories and takes the drink.
Panel 5: However he scratches the floor at the realization he did not check it first.

Page 92
Panel 1: Miona: Come on, now oneโ€™s out to get you.
Panel 2-3: Kingo: Not anymore anyway.
Jo: Anymore?
Panel 4: Jin passes out from exhaustion.

Page 93
Panel 1: Jin: By the time I conked out and the drink started to affect me, I started to dream. If youโ€™re asking if my dream was anything like a demented version of how I got there, I wish.
Panel 2: It was just about a bunch of random stuff that didnโ€™t make any sense.
Panel 3: Although I do remember being attacked and it jolted me awake to still feel the pain.

Page 94
Panel 1: Jin checks for bindings or anything that felt like a weapon, but was in a bed.
Miona: You sure are jumpyโ€ฆ
Panel 2: Jin turned towards Miona still on guard.

Page 95
Panel 1: Miona: Jo made you some food, it took a few tries but we managed to get you stuff thatโ€™s edible.
Panel 2: Jin smelled the platter for poisons.
Panel 3: Miona: I already said weโ€™re not gonna hurt you. Kingo told us about your past, or at least the only parts your dad let her know.
Panel 4: Jin was not listening as he was stuffing his face.
Miona: Nobodyโ€™s taking that from you.

Page 96
Panel 1: Past Jin: When does this storm end?
Miona: Not for a while.
Panel 2:Jin: I wasnโ€™t ready for a time to settle down. I got restless, twitchy, and restrained.
Panel 3: It felt like I was in a cage that was about to have spears shoved in. Thatโ€™s when it happenedโ€ฆ

Page 97
Panel 1: Miona: Canโ€™t you just relax for even a few minutes?!
Miona shoves Jin down.
Panel 2: Jo: Miona wait! We found somebody-
Panel 3: Jin: Miona pushed me and I snapped; I was like a predator looking to blow off steam.

Page 98
Panel 1-2: Miona was no pushover herself, she even managed to get an edge over my powered states.
Panel 3: Everyone else was terrified just looking at what went down.
Panel 4: Miona, she got me in a lock when my aggression was down by a bit.

Page 99
Panel 1: Miona: Itโ€™s okay, you donโ€™t need to fight anymore, just live.
Panel 2:
Jin: What happened next is too explicit for kids.
A black and white block sign is placed over the panel.
Panel 3: Jin: After the storm passed I was too embarrassed to stay but I gave Jo a note saying I liked a drink.

Page 100
Panel 1: Jin: I tried to live alone after I left, wandering from town to town.
Panel 2-3: The person that Jo found though found me first. I admired her for dedication, her nameโ€™s Bluum.

Page 101
Panel 1: Jin: Her skills were greatโ€ฆ
Jin and Bluum are sparring.
Panel 2: and we found out more about each other.
Jin and Bluum are relaxing.
Panel 3: Unlike Miona though we just found respect. Bluum informed me that Miona was pregnant.

Page 102
Panel 1: Jin: I didnโ€™t bother to stick around when the baby was born after dropping off the doll.
Scene from the flashback appears.
Panel 2: Miona: Jin?
Panel 3: Jin does not make eye contact and turns to a door.
Miona: Where are you going?! You of all people know what itโ€™s like not to have a dad!

Page 103
Panel 1: Past Jin: No, I know what itโ€™s like not to have a mother. I know what having a father means.
Jinโ€™s face is covered by shadows.
Panel 2: Miona: When are you going to get that fat head of yours out of your-
Panel 3: Jin: I didnโ€™t bother listening to the rest of that lecture. Miona was someone special to me, but I wasnโ€™t too attached to her, I definitely didnโ€™t stick around when I saw white coats in one part of town.

Page 104
Panel 1: Jin: Bluum was waiting for me when I was on the border along with Jo and our lady friend Byza. Apparently, things got tough with Miona and she flipped out at them.
Panel 2: Surprisingly nothing happened between us.
Panel 3: After days of just saying nothing, we got to know each other better. Some bonding parts werenโ€™t as good as others.

Page 105
Panel 1: Baby Emi is shown with her toy.
Jin: We never bothered talking about Miona, figured it would just hold us back. We did talk about the baby though.
Panel 2: Baby Emi is playing with a bird Bakaigo.
Jin: They said the kid could communicate really good with Bakaigo, even the wild ones.
Center Panel: Jinโ€™s face is shown in his usual stone face before shifting to a panicked state.
Jin: When they heard Kingo spoke about making changes and recommending people for the house, I realized the horrible truth.
Jin: This is what the director wanted, for me to hook up and create better chimeras.

Page 106
Panel 1: Jin: After that point, he didnโ€™t need me anymore.
Babies were shown being held by people in silhouette forms.
Jin: More chimeras were being made, to the point where every person in the regional area had become Bakaigo in human form.
Panel 2: Each with the ability to command and control the lesser Bakaigo.

Page 107
Panel 1: A picture of Tamir Toshi is shown along with a group of kids with Bakaigo.
Jin: Thanks to Tamirโ€™s influence kids could leave with protection from their Bakaigo, unaware that most of them are the transmogrified versions of their parents and loved ones.
Panel 2: Silhouettes of parents are seen as kids are playing with Bakaigo.
Jin: Kids just forgot about their parents while playing games, no longer thinking deeper. All the adults that casted suspicion were already turned. Those that still tried ended up like this town.

Page 108
Panels 1-2: Jin: And then there came the final kick in the ballsโ€ฆ Iโ€™m dying. My genetic code is getting more and more unstable.
Jin reveals areas of his body where tumors once were.
Panel 3: Jin: With nothing left to lose, I just wanted to die in peace.
Jin leans on a tree.
Panel 4: Jin: But then I started hearing voices. They told me that death was meant only for those who could be at peace, but I couldnโ€™t find it.
Pairs of eyes were glowing red.
Panel 5: One of the voices helped me find the root of my problems, my dad the director.
The back of the directorโ€™s head was shown.

Page 109
Panel 1: Jin comes back to the present.
Jin: Iโ€™ve always been a screw-up, now I wanna do something about it.
Panel 2: Iโ€™m going to do that by doing what I shouldโ€™ve done years ago,
Panel 2.5: Jin grips his raised fist.
Jin: Iโ€™m going to force people to see the horrible truth so they can stop living in some stupid fantasy.
Panel 3: Jinโ€™s irises begin to distort looking like a fire.
Jin: When I find that zombie, Iโ€™ll burn his entire world to the ground and watch him realize he wasted his life.

Page 110
Panel 1: Jin has his back turned to Emi.
Jin: Iโ€™m not looking for justice, Iโ€™m not looking for revenge, Iโ€™m not even going to say Iโ€™m sorry I was never there for you kid. The only reason Iโ€™m doing this is too feel better.
Panel 1.5: Jin turns slightly.
Jin: And you know what Emi, youโ€™re going to help me do that.
Panel 2: Emi grips her doll in her hands.
Emi: Youโ€™re a coward!

Page 111
Panel 1: Jin is surprised to see Emiโ€™s reaction but does not look hurt or offendedโ€ฆ
Panel 2: Especially since Emi is facing her reflection in a puddle.
Emi: Youโ€™re blaming your dad for all of the bad things that happened to you? You couldโ€™ve had your own life this whole time with all those people, but you wrecked all of it!
Panel 3: Emi throws her doll to the ground.
Panel 4: The puddle splashes revealing Jinโ€™s reflection.
Emi: Thatโ€™s all we are, made in his image.
Jin: Yepโ€ฆ

Page 112
Panel 1: Yuova just looks at her broken family as things set in with Emi tearing up and Jin lost in thought.
Panel 2: Jo: Jin!
Jo comes up.
Jo: We got a lead on where the directorโ€ฆ
Panel 3: Jo sees the scene but Jin is already gone.

Page 113
Panel 1: A lab is brought into focus with many lights going out.
CPU: Welcome back director, how may I help you?
A man in a white coat walks down a hall with his face obscured.
Panel 2: Director: Direct me to my usual spot please. Lights are going out and I canโ€™t see really well in here.
CPU: Of course director, although there will be some complications.
The director goes down the halls alongside some flickering directory signs that made pictures.

Page 114
Panel 1: During one flicker,
Panel 2: The director ends up in a room full of Bakaigo monstrosities. A significant part of the room has a whale-sized cat creature.
Panel 3: The Bakaigo smell the director but notice something off about him.
Director: I knew dad and I were two different people.
Panel 4: Jin ditches his disguise before taking the form of a rat creature that blends into the dark.

Page 115
Panel 1: Emi is at the memorial for her friends before grabbing one of their hats.
Panel 2: With Jinโ€™s story in her head, Emi begins to feel the residual essence on the hat alongside Jinโ€™s past.
Panel 3: Emi walks off.

Page 116
Panel 1: After walking a long time she thinks about using Yuova to cover ground faster.
Panel 2-4: That is until she remembers how dependent she became on Bakaigo; gliding, distance runs, and navigation.

Page 117
Panel 1: Jo: Hey wait up!
Jo directs Emi to a secret base.
Panel 2: Jo notices no resistance.
Jo: It is really is nice to see you-
Panel 3: Emi walks ahead of him.

Page 118
Panel 1: Emi crawls into a bed.
Panel 2: Emi tries to close her eyes but doesnโ€™t have the strength to.
Panel 3: Emi goes under the covers.

Page 119
Panel 1: Jo is at the bar with Byza on the other side.
Byza: Jo, how long has it been?
Jo: Days; havenโ€™t heard from Jin either.
Panel 2:
Bluum: How could he just go off on his own like that?
Bluum is looking at a stained glass mirror with a wild horse-like creature with a small bird at its side.

Page 120
Panel 1: Bluum remembers giving Jin a shoulder massage as he looked at the mirror stressed.
Panel 2: Jin later gives her a pair of tea cups which they exchanged.

Page 121
Panel 1: Jo looks at the stained glass cups he has.
Panel 2-3: Jin would take drinks from certain glasses and picked the ones he liked having drinks in.
Panel 3-4: Jo would make drinks that his friends tasted.
Only Jin seemed to endure them all.

Page 122
Panel 1: Jo is seen laughing at something.
Panel 2: Jin is looking at the same thing but has his usual stone face.
Panel 3: The object of focus is a political commentary comic.

Page 123
Panel 1: After coming back from the bathroom, Jo was ready to toss a drink.
Panel 2: Jin took a small glass and drank what Jo was going to throw out.
Panel 2.5: Jin is shocked.
Panel 3: Jin gives Jo another small glass to drink.
Panel 4: When Jo relented, Jin proceeded to drink the whole body save for Joโ€™s small glass.
Panel 5: Jo decided to drink.

Page 124
Panel 1: Jo looks at the small glasses he had in the cupboardโ€ฆ
Panel 2: having gotten stained glass makeovers for that occasion.

Page 125
Panel 1: Byza looks at a few sea glasses.
Panel 2: Byza would look out at the beach whenever she wanted to be alone.
Panel 3: Jin saw her and they each kept their distance.
Panel 4: Jin would pick up sea glass from the shores.

Page 126
Panel 1: Byza hated how people threw glass around the beach, looking at a scar on her hand.
Panel 2: Jin saw sea glass near Byza.
Panel 3: Jin decided to sit down and not say a word.

Page 127
Panel 1: Byza turns her head toward Jin.
Byza: Just what do you do with all of that harmful glass?
Panel 2: Jin looks at Byza who quickly turns her head.
Jin: I had friends once, and I never want to forget them.
Pane 3: Jin reveals pendants made to look like Ruyno and Joiru in a stained glass-like appearance. Ruyno however is missing a piece.

Page 128
Panel 1-2: Byza finds the sea glass she is sitting on and hands it to Jin.
Panel 3: Jin tries to fit the piece into Ruyno.
Byza: If those two meant so much to you; why arenโ€™t you going with them?
Jin: Unlike me, theyโ€™re free. They donโ€™t need my curse.

Page 129
Panel 1: Byza: I didnโ€™t come with you or the others because I believed in making a difference.
Panel 2: Images of stained glass monsters appear.
Byza: When I found out about the ugliness in this world, I just lost faith. I grew up so sheltered like the kids of today, that I didnโ€™t know how to deal with real traumatic situations.

Page 130
Panel 1: A partly shadow covers Jin.
Byza: You always seemed so lonely, sad, and so critical of everything. It just felt so uncomfortable, even when I knew you were right.

Page 131
Panel 1: Jin is seen with Miona next to his bed.
Byza: When Miona could just warm up to you, after that struggle you had, I felt a little better. I thought this monster would be put in a cage.
Panel 2: Jin is hanging his head in shame with his shirt off.
Byza: But that just made you more miserable especially when you found out about the baby.
Panel 3: Miona has her head down on a table.
Byza: I just couldnโ€™t stay with Miona though, your influence was there. I thought I would be happy if you were just gone, but Iโ€™m not and I never will be.

Page 132
Panel 1: Jin grinds the sea glass into the proper shape.
Jin: So why are you here?
Byza: I donโ€™t know, I guess Iโ€™m trying to live with the ugliness that comes with you.
Panel 2: Jin: Iโ€™m pretty sure Iโ€™m the wrong kind of ugly. This piece didnโ€™t fit at first.
Jin fits the piece into the pendant.

Page 133
Panel 1: Jin shifts his arm into an armored state to shoot plasma to foil bronze to pattern the sea glass into the pendant.
Panel 2: Jin gets up.
Byza: Jin? Could you stay the night with me? Nothing physical just company.
Panel 3: Jin looks at Byza with one eye
Jin: Alright, but only cause youโ€™re too quiet.
Panel 4: Jin sits out of sight.

Page 134
Panel 1: Byza comes back to the present.
Byza: Heโ€™s always had this problem when it came to his inner demons. I couldnโ€™t relate to him at all.
Panel 2: Byza opens a box of rose tinted sunglasses.
Panel 3: Byza: Why am I so drawn to him?
Byza lays her head down, closing the box.

Page 135
Panel 1: Yuova stares at the people in the room.
Panel 2: Byza: Jo is she really Miona?
Byza doesnโ€™t make eye contact.
Panel 3: Jo looks at Yuova as she goes into Emiโ€™s room.
Jo: Part of her is.

Page 136
Panel 1: Byza sits herself up.
Byza: When I saw her break down after those times she had with Jin, I thought the person I looked up to was gone.
Panel 2: Jo: (Sigh) Nobodyโ€™s perfect. She dragged us around, but she never forced us to do anything we never really wanted to.
Panel 3: Byza: Do you think she was lonely?
Jo lays down a glass.
Jo: Definitely.
Panel 4: Byza looks up and requests the small cups.

Page 137
Panel 1: Yuova picks up Emi up from below as she sat up.
Emi: I can do this on my own Yuova.
Panel 2: Yuova squawks in patterns, trying to tell Emi something.
Emi: You know I canโ€™t speak whatever you are.
Panel 3: Emi then sees the hat.

Page 138
Panel 1: Recalling what she felt earlier, Emi uses her newfound abilities to communicate with Yuova in some form by touching her cranium.
Panel 2: In Yuovaโ€™s mind, Emi sees in her mind how she tried to become self-reliant when Yuova refused to go along with Emiโ€™s vengeance run.
Panel 3: This included the nightmares she had of him.
Emi: Did you know who Jin was all along?

Page 139
Panel 1: Through Yuovaโ€™s mind, Emi saw images of herself mixed with Jin.
Both of which showed how stubborn they are.
Panel 2: Yuova showed Emi how she kept an eye on Jin after he left.
Panel 3: Jin looked sad and that she had actually accepted her fate to take a new form.

Page 140
Panel 1: Her reasons were to watch over both her and Jin.
Panel 2: She also saw the director and noticed something strange about him.
Panel 3: There was even a picture that looked like her and Jin.
The woman however was pregnant.

Page 141
Panel 1-3: Yuova later showed Emi pictures of the friends she made.
How they always helped and been there for each other.
Panel 4: Yuova also showed Emi how Jin managed to come out of his own shell when he was around her friends.
Emi: Fine, you can stay, just let me do things on my own for a bit okay.

Page 142
Panel 1: Yuova takes Emi outside.
Panel 2: Yuova pecks at a rock which causes some Bakaigo to come out.
Panel 3: The one that looked a chipmunk cuddles up to Emi.
Emi: Can it be?

Page 143
Panel 1: Emi starts to tear up.
Panel 2: Yuova shows that although they died, her friendsโ€™ brain matter hosts some of the same memories of their old lives in their Bakaigo states.
Panel 3: Yuova also shows memories that were not Mionaโ€™s as a demonstration including a brother playing with his sister.
Emi: What am I to you then?

Page 144
Panel 1: Yuova showed all of the times she and Emi were together, from when they first met to the best and worst of times.
Panel 2: At the end images were shown of families and friends coming together.
Panel 3: Emi starts to tear up.
Emi: I really do need to grow upโ€ฆ

Page 145
Panel 1: Bluum approaches Emi with a bag and infantry gear.
Bluum: We can still catch up to him if we hurry.
Panel 2: Jo: And look who decided to join this parade.
Ruyno and Joiru were with Jo and Byza.
Byza had even given Ruyno and Joiru the pendants that Jin made of them.
Panel 3: Ruyno pointed in the direction to go.

Page 146
Panel 1: Jin removes a horn from a bear in beetle armor as a panther-like creature.
Panel 2-3: Using the horn as a weapon, he beats down both the bear and a slime-like humanoid that tried to attack behind him.

Page 147
Panel 1-2: As more Bakaigo start to attack, Jin assumes a greater ape-like form to take a higher ground.
Panel 2: Later he channels his focus to command an entire battalion of mineral-shelled Bakaigo to attack.
Panel 3: Some of them were equipped with defensive armor and weapons along with some abilities.

Page 148
Panel 1: While some of the rocks were easily swatted away,
Panel 2: as the rocks attacked in groups, they began to overwhelm some of the opposing Bakaigo.
Panel 3: Some of the rock Bakaigo exploded to do away with some of the labโ€™s Bakaigo.

Page 149
Panel 1: As this occurs, the labโ€™s defense systems activate with turrets appearing out of walls
Panel 2: while robots with Bakaigo brains attack.
Panel 3: Some of rock Bakaigo with crystalline equipment deflect some of the rays while others use their more sturdy bodies to block bullets.
Panel 4: However, some of them are about to activate a sonic weapon.

Page 150
Panel 1: Jin beats his chest as a way to signal another attack and suddenly swarms of bat-like Bakaigo come into the lab.
Panel 2: Using their ultrasonic screams in tandem, they short out some of the robot Bakaigoโ€™s circuits, causing them to fall to the ground.
Panel 3: The bats assist the mineral Bakaigo by flying around the other Bakaigo as the mineral ones attack the weak areas of their opponents

Page 151
Panel 1: Things seem to be going well as Jinโ€™s army begins to absorb the cells of the defeated Bakaigo en masse.
Panel 2: That is until the lab unveils more slime-like Bakaigo
Panel 3: and they attack in patterns, slaughtering most of the opposing Bakaigo.

Page 152
Panel 1: Jin is ready to pounce when suddenly a mass of bird-like Bakaigo burst open the walls.
Panel 2: Emi comes in riding on Yuova.
Panel 3: Emi jumps down near Jin.
Panel 4: The two exchange looks and take each otherโ€™s hands.

Page 153
Panel 1: A signal comes out from them
Panel 2: as the defeated Bakaigo lend their biomass
Panel 3: to coming hoards to the reinforcements of small mammals, birds, winged insects, and fish.

Page 154
Panel 1: The slimesโ€™ formations are thrown out of focus
Panel 2: and when they try to regroup, they are intercepted by the pairโ€™s Bakaigo army.
Panel 3: The Bakaigo just swarm and ruthlessly assimilate the slime creatures.

Page 155
Panel 1: Everything seems okay with Emi relaxing
Panel 2-3: until Jin grabs her and dashes out of the way as a gigantic gelatinous blob of biomass comes crashing down.
Panel 4: Most of the Bakaigo with Jin and Emi are crushed and absorbed into the creature.

Page 156-7
Panel 1: The creature takes the form of an armored dragon with plates on its limbs, a shell-like main body and back, a tail with a barbed edge, a long slender head with sharp teeth, and each and every one of its joints have tentacles coming out.

Page 158
Panel 1: As the creature roars,
Panel 2: Jin pushes Emi to Yuova as he takes a humanoid dragon-like form.
Panel 3: Jin cries out as he dashes into the creatureโ€™s body
Panel 4: as barbs on his own body inject a deadly venom and poisons repeatedly at its nerves.
Panel 5: The Bakaigo is unable to stand upright and begins to collapse as it reverts back into slime.

Page 159
Panel 1: Jin emerges in his human form standing upright but exhausted.
Panel 2: Emi rushes down to him.
Panel 3: Yuova helps him stay up straight as Jin attempts to walk to a hallway.
Panel 4: Jin takes a dropped bottle of spray medicine and uses it on himself causing him to heal his injuries along with increasing his heart rate.
Panel 5: The door at the end of the hall has a broken auto lock.

Page 160
Panel 1: Before Jin tries to attack the door, Emi makes a fist and makes a dent in it.
Panel 2: Yuova cries out, with Emi and Jin getting out of the way
Panel 3: for the more developed bird Bakaigo breaking down the door.
Panel 4: Inside the room, a screen is continuously playing images that look similar to Jinโ€™s childhood.
Panel 5: Jin approaches the chair need the monitor.
Man: Hello Jinโ€ฆ

Page 161
Panel 1: There the director sits in his chair unkempt and unshaven.
Signs of a disease including a rash are present on him.
Panel 2: Jin: Hey โ€œdadโ€โ€ฆ
Jin looks at the monitor.
Panel 3He sees the pregnant Miona look alike and realizes that she was the directorโ€™s late wife based on the matching band she is wearing.

Page 162
Panel 1: Jin: It took nearly my whole life, only to come to this.
Panel 2: Emiโ€™s grip loosens as she sees the director.
Panel 3: Emi takes Jinโ€™s hand.
Emi: Jin, youโ€™re going to expire soon we should go, heโ€™s not worth it anymore.

Page 163
Jin snaps!
Jin: Not worth it? I knew him as my father! Like a lost kid, I trusted him! But what did he do?

Page 164
Panel 1: Jin starts to show signs of his other forms manifesting including his quills, claws, and teeth.
Jin: Twisted me, tortured me and my friends! Manipulated us, made deals with even worse people to perfect and mass produce a perverted method of creation. And all for what? Theseโ€ฆ shadows!
Panel 2: Jin slams his fists onto a panel

Page 165
Panel 1: The monitors display the director in different parts of his life above a line of footage of Jin and subsequent footage of Tamir Toshi clones. Most have tried to emulate parts of the directorโ€™s life.
Panel 2: Jin removes a dagger from a holster near his foot.
Panel 3: Jin raises the blade and stabs itโ€ฆ

Page 166
Panel 1: Near the directorโ€™s good arm.
Jin: You were never a good dad.
Panel 2: Jin transformation subsides.
Jin: I learned one thing from you though, Iโ€™m more than just a copy of you; Iโ€™m better than you.
Panel 3: Jin walks away.

Page 167
Panel 1: Director: Excuse me child, I know who you are based on the footage; but would you mind just saying your name?
Panel 2: The camera focuses on the back of the directorโ€™s chair while Emi stands in front of the pregnant directorโ€™s wife.
Emi: Emiโ€ฆ are you everything you hoped I would be?
Director: No youโ€™re better.
Panel 3: Emi turns and walks away as Yuova looks over at the monitors.

Page 168
Panel 1: Director: Please look after them.
Panel 2: Yuova looks at the director one last time before departing.
Panel 3: Director: Initiate lockdown protocols.
The director takes the knife out of his chair as reinforced doors close.

Page 169
Panel 1: Jin walks out where his companions with bruises and burns find him with shouts of relief.
Panel 2: Jin however begins to limp and cough up blood.
Panel 3: His Bakaigo friends realize that Jin took the medicine.
Panel 4: Bluum removes Jinโ€™s jacket and shirt revealing tumors.
Panel 5: Jin takes out his beacon transporter as his face is reflected on the surface and hears muffled voices.
Jin: One last timeโ€ฆ

Page 170
Panel 1: Jin looks at his old home at a distance.
Panel 2: Scales begin to sprout while other body parts like a mammalian tail lose hair, teeth start to lose the gums that hold them.
Panel 3: Jin is then joined by Ruyno and Joiru who gives him a drink from Jo.
Panel 4: His more humanoid friends later join him as news of Tamir Toshi deteriorating and the dark secrets revealed with riots.

Page 171
Panel 1: Jinโ€™s eyes start to darken and blood comes out of his nose.
Panel 2: Before losing his vision, Jin sees a red fox man in front of him.
Fox: Do you feel at peace?
Jin recognizes this fox as one of the voices he heard.
Jin: Yeah, I do.
Panel 3: The fox closes Jinโ€™s eyes.
Fox: Your journey has ended, but several more will follow.

Page 172
Panel 1: The fox looks overโ€ฆ
Panel 2: as Emi leaves a small statue where Jin was last seen.
Panel 3: She walks away while leaving behind her hat.
Panel 4: In Emiโ€™s direction are signs of a war.

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