Category: Terminology

Terminology, unfortunately I’m not talking about Gutternaut phrases. This category actually refers to the terms and conditions of comics. Examples include narrative techniques like retcons. Other times it’s about panels or the lack of them function in their mediums. Certain other aspects include differences between graphic novels and trade paperbacks.

Scanning: Why Comics Need An Innovation

Scanning… that’s a very ugly word in some reading circles. Mainly because creators lose out on short-term profits. How? Putting an entire picture story on […]

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Comic Creative Teams: What Makes The Best?

The best of the comic creative teams are the ones who stick together. I don’t just mean that as a tagline, there are few creatives […]

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Capepunk – The Post-Superhero Frenzy Genre

Ever wonder what happens when superheroes and their powers get so plain? No, I’m not talking about the state of mass media. I mean capepunk, […]

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Indie Comics: The Little Known, Unheard of Fundamentals

Indie Comics as a term is really starting to heat up debates on its proper definition. To be frank I’m kind of guilty of this […]

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Silicon Age of Comics: New Bigger Markets, More Perceptions

Okay according to Geoff Johns, comic books are out of the Dark/Iron Age. So what should we call this era? New Golden Age? Too optimistic. […]

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Stylized Comics: Why Is Cartooning Never Approved?

Comics are art, no other way about it. Like all art forms, they can be expressed in a myriad of ways. You have the cinematics […]

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Retcons: Everything You Need To Know About Story Changes

Retcons, so many ways things to say and do for a character; so many ways to mess it up.

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Superhero Archetypes: A Simplified If Instructive List

In the superhero genre, there are certain character archetypes that pop up more than others. TV Tropes tends to call these superhero expies. These are […]

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