Category: Folded The Corner

Folded The Corner is named because too many people use What Went Wrong! I am not competing with Wisecrack or Owen Likes Comics!

Anyway… have you ever read a comic book that was building up for a big climatic scene; only for it to lose the momentum? Like maybe Civil War, or most comics under… Linkara’s catalogue? Darn it all! How’s a guy supposed to work with this when I’m practically saying I’m muscling in on people I admire?

Wait a minute…

That’s it!

Comics like most narratives are an art and art is a delicate process. Just the smallest errors or interpretations can offset the whole experiences. Executive meddling, darker and edgier, writers on board, Christmas rushes, and just about any interference under the sun. All of that and potentially more creativity leashes are discussed in Folded The Corner.


A small disclaimer: While I will be using the words of others to assist in this category, I will have my opinions too. As such, while I will try to be as objective as possible, I can and will make mistakes due to my biases.

Here’s one note for me that I hope you never have to remind me of. Avoid invoking the use of tropes like Sacred Cow or Political Correctness Gone Mad. The last thing my sanity needs is invoking the wrath of outrage mobs… again.

Batman: The Gift – The Travelers Last Minute

Today we will be looking at the Batman comics mini-arc that is as divided as its official name; for cover readers it is Batman: The […]

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