Category: Directly Indie

This blog has a dedication to the unsung heroes of comics; Hence Directly Indie. For every comic that you can find in the corner of a comic shop; to the archives of Comixology’s Submit program we look at indie comics old and new.

All subjects in discussion must have these requirements.

  • Publishers must not originate from Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse or any publisher who has ties to larger organizations and conglomerates.
    • Comics re-publishing in any of these companies are viable however.
    • Manga can also be in; so long as it does not come from the major conglomerate publishers. Other countries with major publishers but small presses are okay too.
  • Can include comics from companies that shut down.
  • Webcomics are viable.
  • Comics that come from licenses are not viable.
  • Comics and characters who originate from Indie Comics but get adaptations from major media are also not in. No TMNT or The Tick.

To differentiate between mainstream, alternative, and indie remember these rules. Mainstream comics have a recognition beyond the comics including TV and movies. Most of them also have the backing of conglomerates. Alternative covers topics besides mainstream’s usual genres like superheroes. However they also have deals to make with other studios and can have financial assistance from companies in derivation from them. Independents (indies) have no corporate backing, make use of direct market, social media, and venues they do not own.

Jayson: Have Pride In Your Identity

Jayson is a surprisingly long-running comic not many people know about. To be fair the 80s weren’t ready for homosexual protagonists… being normal people. But […]

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Kamen America: Soar To Overcome Social Sway

Kamen America is a character and franchise that is making a big impression on people. Partly because it started from somewhere people are willing to […]

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Aumakua Volume 1: Spotlight of the Underdogs

Aumakua Volume 1 collects the first issues of Sistah Shark’s team. This flagship team of Mana Comics tugs at readers heartstrings for trying with sincerest […]

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Stargazer: Your Doom Is Fascinating

Stargazer is probably one of our more interesting requests. It builds a story from an anthology we reviewed, this one doesn’t even need AI art. […]

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Indra’s Net: Shrewd, Twisted, Surprises

Indra’s Net is a request quickly making this site a spotlight hub for atypical manga. No crypto with this one, but like in/habitants it has […]

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Murgatroyd & Nepenthe: The Flow of Imagination

Murgatroyd & Nepenthe is a request from River Donkey Adventures cartoonist D.S. Barrick. This graphic novel is an unforgettable experience up for pre-order on FundRazr […]

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The Finder: A Superhero’s Bottom Line Needs To Be Drawn

The Finder is a Bad Idea one-shot by the makers of Monster Kill Squad. In it, we have a comic fan’s view of superheroes under […]

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Plus Ultra: Overground’s First and Last Spotlight

Plus Ultra… no this isn’t about My Hero Academia or Ernie (the Blerd Without Fear). This is about Overground Comics’ most complete series. As much […]

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The Ends: Astonishing Generational Clash

The Ends is a Bad Idea coming from regular cartoonist David Lapham. But in addition to the art, Lapham is joined by his wife Maria […]

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Burning Man: Don’t Miss Your Hidden Opportunities

Burning Man is quickly helping me become a bigger fan of Peter Milligan. With Pyrate Queen being his first Bad Idea, this has to something […]

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