Category: Adaptations Done Right

Adaptations Done Right detail the posts about comic adaptations given the proper treatment. Most adaptations usually try to copy characters and concepts word per word. Often this leaves them feeling hollow and without meaning. Some adaptations however make the experience easier by simplifying, expanding, and adding more stakes to their source material. This helps create a better overall experience part of the time. Sometimes comics even expand things from other sources like the comic adaptations of the Mega Man games.

Grading comes in the following factors. Retaining the meaning and legacy of the source; playing to the strengths of the medium; and enhancements to the plot.

The Wolverine: Falling In Love With Logan

The Wolverine is one of the finest X-Men movies, one that adapts an iconic Logan story for a new audience. The original story by Chris […]

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Superman Smashes The Klan: Adapting For The Future

Superman Smashes The Klan is a long 3 issue series adapting an episode of the radio series The Adventures of Superman. Now I already have […]

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Wolverine vs Hulk: The Parallel Character Arc

Wolverine vs Hulk a classic for introducing X-Men’s most popular mutant. For some background detail, Hulk finds himself in Canada fighting against the Canadian government […]

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Days of Future Past: Adaptations of Second Chances

X-Men again; and this time Days of Future Past? You can’t deny the effect the Children of the Atom have on pop culture. And after […]

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X-Men Sanctuary: Magneto’s New Genesis

Sanctuary is a two-part episode in 90s X-Men animated series based on Chris Claremont’s last story for nine years. In all honesty, the comic despite […]

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The Phalanx Covenant: X-Men’s Cosmic Horror

The Phalanx Covenant is one of the few X-Men events that people don’t remember; it’s not as epic as The Dark Phoenix Saga or as […]

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Young Justice: World of Misplaced Intent

Young Justice, many people likely know the name of the show from its TV time to streaming service. The show is about the teenage to […]

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Shazam Origin: Making a Great Story Even Better

The Shazam Origin story back in the Golden Age doesn’t look like something that should be on the big screen. Thankfully, Geoff John’s version is […]

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Under the Red Hood: Distilling a Messy Story

Greeting Netizens, Fracadactyl here. Welcome back to Adaptations Done Right, it’s exactly as it is on the tin. Today we’ll be covering Batman: Under the […]

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Superman vs. The Elite: The Polarizing American Way

Superman vs. The Elite, an enhancement of the original story by the same creator no less. However, there is also a hint that some things didn’t need to change.

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