I’m A Mess – A Delightfully Chaotic Journey

I’m A Mess, an illustrated guidebook by Israeli cartoonist Einat Tsarfati, and translated into English by Annette Appel for Mad Cave Studios’ Maverick imprint, is a unique and whimsical exploration of the messy side of life. At first glance, it might seem like a self-help book, but it soon becomes clear that it’s something entirely different.

The Art of Messiness

I'm A Mess on feeling messyTsarfati’s artwork is the heart of I’m A Mess. The illustrations capture the essence of chaos, with lines and elements that seem to go in every direction. This often leaves the reader uncertain about where to look next, mirroring the confusion and unpredictability of a messy life. For instance, there are two-page spreads where just looking for keys is like an epic adventure… with all the frustrations and triumphs.

I’m A Mess Is Empathy

One of the best uses of Tsarfati’s illustrations is to communicate feelings and ideas without too much text. In some sections, there are no descriptions where one might expect it, forcing readers to find their own path through the clutter. This innovative approach encourages readers to embrace the mess rather than feel overwhelmed by it.

I’m A Mess also includes interactive elements that enhance the reader’s experience. For example, the book features tests to determine your level of messiness. Initially, it’s confusing why the left pages are full while the right pages are blank. However, it becomes clear that these pages are meant for the reader to fill in, either by tracking their answers or by adding their own scenarios. This interactive aspect highlights the book’s playful nature and underscores that it’s not a traditional self-help guide.

Don’t Let Messiness Be A Problem

The book’s core message is that being messy isn’t inherently bad; it’s simply a part of life. The tests within the book even suggest that organized people shouldn’t be reading it, because you can’t neatly put behavior in a box. Instead, I’m A Mess celebrates the creativity and improvisation that often accompany messiness. By showing the anxieties and challenges that come with a disorganized lifestyle, the book fosters empathy for those who live this way and encourages readers to think outside the box.

I’m A Mess and That’s Okay!

I’m A Mess is a delightful, thought-provoking guidebook that redefines how we perceive messiness. Its haphazard structure and engaging illustrations make for a rereading experience that reveals new insights each time. While the unconventional format might take some readers out of their comfort zone, it ultimately serves to encourage creative thinking and empathy. For its innovative approach and heartfelt message, I’m A Mess earns a solid 8.5/10. This comes to bookstores on July 9th and comic shops the next day. So pre-order before the FOC on June 10th.

Thanks for coming to the end and as always remember to look between the panels.