City of Blank: Proven FFVII Influences

City of Blank… about time I try something that’s actually popular but not to laymen. But what if fans of a certain video game series hear that Final Fantasy 7 gives this series it’s foundations? So it’s just a carbon copy? No, unlike most things that have the “inspired by” label, this webtoon grew beyond its inspirations into something new.

What Is City of Blank?

In any case, this is an urban science-fantasy series about humanity losing its dominance to beings called Blanks. They are parasitic beings that can steal the faces, appearances, memories, and personality of people. With fully formed blanks able to reproduce with humans, life changes for better and for worse. Since blank life cycles lean into identity theft, a moral panic erupts into an epidemic. Now everybody has to wear masks to keep blanks from stealing their faces. Plus with how many blanks there are, governments outsource capturing blanks for study to approved Blank Hunters.City of Blank banner

But remember how fully formed blanks can reproduce with humans? Well this series follows one half-blank named Rex Kelman. His goofy attitude belies a life of hardship growing up with a personality but unable to speak to anyone but his family. When he ends up taking his dying brother’s face he has to go out into the world to survive. Which might not be the physically hardest thing with his hidden abilities. But emotional and mentally… that’s going to be tough in a city full of people motivated by trauma or profit. All the while Rex looks for Mikiah’s killer.

Where Does Cloud Fit?

Part of the inspiration.
Inspiration comes in different forms.

The creator of City of Blank 66 confirms that Rex started out as a Cloud Strife rip-off. But Cloud’s entire arc expands to a bigger state of the world. You see Cloud has a lot of issues you might not find from the remake…uh…reboot. Like how his signature weapon and heroic role wasn’t always his. This was inheritance from his best friend Zack, who helped get him through some of his troubles. But after Zack was killed among other traumatic events, Cloud assumed part of his identity. Similarly, while Rex keeps his personality, he inherits the memories and skills of his veteran brother Mikiah. Some of which are not very good like when he sees how frustrated Mikiah was with how isolating taking care of Rex was. Eventually this leads Rex to Simon Maddox a.k.a. Jericho… arguably this world’s Sephiroth.

Other Final Fantasy VII Influences

If only because Jericho’s unique biology was used in a similar way to Zack and Cloud’s treatment to try and enhance them. But it was given to the Tifa/Aerith(?) Bag Girl instead, mostly because Rex already had powers like Jericho’s.

That’s not the only reason to include Final Fantasy style elements. Because elemental weapons actually have a reason for existing, not in rock-paper-scissors fashion but as Anti-Blank weapons. Blanks are made up of some kind of space that regular blades and bullets can’t interact with. Something about kinetic energy I think. But when they’re damp, feel electricity, or burn, that’s when they feel it.

As for the outlandish outfits… honestly that’s just because it looks fun. Makes the characters twice as memorable with their personalities. That applies to their weapons too… but 66 hates drawing overcompensating gear like an engine axe or buster sword.

City of Blank costume and weapons
Hence flame producing daggers.

We’re Aware…

One notable piece from Final Fantasy VII is the Shinra Corporation in two places:

There’s Jericho’s company Blan Corporation, which is tied to many fields including underground blank shelters. Although in doing so, they keep everyone under them in debt to use them in their war to push Blank rights.

Then there’s Luis Martella, the mayor of the city. A former celebrity blank hunter, it turns out he’s a career criminal who got lucky enough to live the high life. With his success, he makes blanks public enemies while leaving all of the work to blank hunters. Especially the ones only interested in profiting off the practice by farming blanks.

Both of these echo how the Shinra Corporation holds its grip on a vital resource. So influential, everybody else turns a blind eye on their atrocities to depend on them. Because they gave away their responsibilities and can’t get them back.

City of Blank Center

But back on Cloud for a moment, his condition is treated as the central background threat around blanks. To every regular human, blanks are just putting up fronts trying to fit in. Like they’re mindless, faceless, enemies that are nothing but obstacles to a perfect world.

Then there’s how applicable all of the consequences are when it comes to inter-sectioning. Like when blanks are locked up because nobody wants to deal with them, it’s like throwing mentally ill people into asylums instead of getting the help they need. Or how this series gets full official support by Webtoon with releases in 2020, the start of when everybody had to wear a mask to slow an epidemic’s spread. In the case of half and quarter-blanks, it echoes how anyone mixed race was considered colored and thus sub-human in the early 20th century. Of course it’s nowhere near as severe since hybrid blanks get thrown in jail just for existing. Probably because some half-blanks like Rex and Jericho have mutations to function like queen wasps.Long live the City of Blank

The Best Adaptations Are Inspirations

City of Blank is probably the best example where taking inspiration doesn’t turn into genre inbreeding. By taking what inspires people the most, reapplying them, and giving direction a concept gains a unique identity. Similar comics exist but this one has the biggest impression. Because these concepts change into something new.

Thanks for coming to the end and as always remember to look between the panels.