Tales From Nottingham #6: Last Minute Forecast

Tales from Nottingham #6 ends the anthology with something to look forward to. New characters join Everard Blackthorne in the classic noir mysteries before the main series’ final saga.

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Tales from Nottingham #6: Never Forget The Classics

Magdalene Vissagio is aware that the coming saga of Nottingham is going into more political thriller territory. So she goes into more of the noir crime stories that put Nottingham on the map in the first place. All while intelligently giving potential new readers everything they need. From Everard’s backstory on why he joined the Crusades, how it fits into today, as well as the grimdark atmosphere of the setting. You know politics with corrupt nobles and officials.

Aside from that, Vissagio also throws some entertaining characters into the mix. Mercadier and the rest of the Brabançon mercenaries aren’t as well known as Robin Hood despite ties to King Richard. So making Mercadier a memorable presence is a must… with a few creative liberties thrown in. The flamboyant Ysolda Mercadier feels like one of those personalities you can’t help but notice. She talks with an entrancing confidence that throws people off, unafraid to do what she wants. With that comes anticipation on where her loyalties lie as Ysolda joins the cast in the coming finale.

Set The Stage With Mood Shadows

Victor Santos provides an art style perfectly complementing the story. The stylistic shading gives the uneasy feeling that there are secrets everywhere. Enough for Everard to overhear thanks to Dave Sharpe’s lettering and bargain for his freedom.

The scene with rain is probably the best way to experience Nottingham’s genre shift. Three former rivals are riding together in the Noir setting staple, rain. With their dynamic color schemes now all of the same muted dye, it genuinely feels like the rain is washing away their barriers and unites them on a common goal. Only to be disrupted when King Richard’s bright red flag pierces through this veil. Ergo, new readers feel Nottingham’s shift from crime drama to political thriller.

A Piece For Everybody

Tales From Nottingham #6 is a great piece for finishing the anthology series for both old and new readers. After getting to know our cast just a little better, it’s time to get back to the main plot. But no shame on people who just want to follow the main story because this issue’s new characters will bring something to the table. That said, this might seem jarring since this isn’t a stand alone issue like the others. Plus if people only wanted the main series, they might miss out on something when the final arc arrives.

So overall, 8/10 with a decent story and even better art.