Art Ex Machina is a unique request I put on the same level as Chronosis. Probably because these are comics’ equivalents to art house films. In that they explore the human condition while using various art techniques to convey them. In this category, a few creatives work with AI generated art to tell stories. Which in addition to poetic writing and presentation, test the very limits to visual storytelling.
Art Ex Machina: Disclaimer
Now before anyone goes into the obligatory, “Machines are stealing our jobs!” rant I need to set a record. The software(s) used in this project are just another tool at creatives’ disposal to save time and energy. For example, with how much time Alex Ross’s painted comics take, having an AI learn from him could work on deadline’s easier. But the technology’s not perfect and Ross would have to spend time readjusting his style. Besides as far as I can tell, it doesn’t seem to work with cartooning. Maybe some companies will use this technology to make covers, but that’s a whole other bag of worms.

First Impressions
Art Ex Machina makes itself distinct by exploring ideas and trying to steadily convey them. Each concept starts out so simple with vivid illustrations. But with each turn of the page, the reader will get a sense of complexity growing from one simple kernel. Thankfully it never becomes overwhelming with detail. Instead impressionistic art allows readers to think and empathize with what’s going on.
Best of Art Ex Machina
Speaking of which, let me pick my personal favorites in the anthology. Partly because the ones that look like newspapers or magazines make my eyes tired.
Which is extremely ironic because my first choice is based on a found footage take on Life Magazine. Steve Coulson gives Summer Island a sense of getting lost in a strange land. It’s both mesmerizing and suspenseful. People want to know more like there’s something the analogue video camera is missing. So with how the pictures are presented, it starts to form something much bigger than what’s shown. It’s an awe inspiring sensation that captures what the POV is feeling.

Another top pick is Goats by Elvis Dean which really captures the feeling of being isolated. The oil painting-like imagery conveys a melancholy from the loneliness of its main character. Furthermore, there’s a terrifying threat of being gradually consumed by some otherworldly force. Sometimes it’s by the dull colors of London, other times it’s a fire and a suffocating smoke.
Zarya of the Dawn hits similar beats. But the prose writing and dialogue placement stands out. There’s a sense of disconnection from the world with a feeling of needing to reconnect. The reader feels this with how word balloons can be read in more than one way. From top to bottom or left to right, readers try to control their pace with the story. The story stands out by telling people there’s no need to rush through. In the fast pace of the real world, this feels pretty good.
The Stand Out
But if I have to take the one story that stands out the most in Art Ex Machina, it’s the last one. The Singularity by Maphatter practically embodies the central idea of the anthology. With a simple introduction through nostalgic imagery, the immersion of art and technology touches everyone. It allows a feeling of ease as the story unravels, becoming more complex with emotional reactions. The progression is so natural, most readers wouldn’t notice the artwork and prose writing getting more detail. In doing so, it expresses the anxiety that come with such advancements. With everyone so busy, AI can shorten lives as easily as lengthen them.
Do You Embrace This Future; Or Has It Already Happened?
Art Ex Machina showcases the strengths and dreams of hopeful creators. With the world moving so fast and everyone having so little time, a new tool is welcome. Not every story told through this will be a breakthrough. Humans such as myself will have their preferences. But being able to tell the story you want has never been easier. Regardless of what the future holds, this anthology is but the first example of what this symbiosis is capable of. Overall this anthology get 8.5/10. So consider ordering this from the official website.
Thanks for coming to the end and as always remember to look between the panels.
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