Feast is an indie comic review that reminds me I’ve gotta check all of my channels. I only just started using Instagram full time and found a backlog of messages. Fortunately, I like a few things about this already. It’s an economically priced piece due to being in black and white and its got presentation. But maybe that’s because I got it digitally. Not to worry, I’m liking the horror comedy bits just as much.
So Who’s Hungry For A… Feast?
I gotta be honest when I found the website and previews for Feast‘s issues. I found the previews to be new reader friendly, but a bit confusing too. Like who’s the narrator and why did some things come out of nowhere? So a surprise and relief come with the real intro. We get a pretty nice look into the setting full of diverse heroic styles. Along with the cliche of a hero party is a demon lord just plain tired of this stuff. Plus this demon says it with an attitude to try and have a little fun making the “hero” look like a tool. Maybe that has to do with the lettering, and it’s all by the same guy, Jeremmya Devin… and writer Simon Ward.

But now it’s time for the real hero, Earl Mitchel. Apparently this guy’s some lovable loser, but I only learned his reputation from the summary. Sure he’s unlucky, but what’s his story? Why is Earl a loser and how does that affect him? I need more than just Simon’s word. All I’ve got is that he’s dead and in Hell. Again why? Did heaven not think he was good enough? And why’s the horned girl in the cheerleader outfit helping him out?
Speaking of, the playfully scary Gorgo Hecate fills the protagonist role more than Earl… but not the hero. Gorgo’s introduction and presentation is more nuanced and thought out than Earl’s. She’s got nuance in her motivations, showing them off through her bouncy personality. Every move Gorgo makes, is never the same, showing off memorable chaotic energy. Gorgo is essentially the foil to Earl’s everyman in dire need of development.
So What’s the Main Course?
So loser dies and makes a deal with a demon… is that it? Well it turns out Gorgo’s a gang leader that Hell itself outlawed, and it’s looks like she out to rule it. So why does she need Earl? I guess Gorgo needed an enforcer, and Earl is pretty good with a gun. Hell’s essentially the Wild West and it needs whatever party can help out. Wait, then why didn’t Gorgo take someone with a better resume? Honestly, it looks like Gorgo is doing whatever she wants. There’s no plan or purpose, she’s just taking risks to get what she wants.
To be frank this sounds like it could be a fun ride, especially with the comedy angle. Everymen have the potential to show just what happens when a normal person is in an absurd situation. Earl is quite easily out of his element and his reactions are funny to look at. But, Earl’s now got a motivation to turn his li… afterlife around. Which isn’t going to be easy as Hell turns itself on a dime, and that’s just Gorgo’s grotesque shapeshifting. Scary but funny enough to see that Earl’s the freak in this scenario.
Feast Your Eyes On Feast
Feast is definitely going to be a title that requires a little foresight to appreciate. It’s art is definitely it’s biggest appeal; between the eye-catching denizens of H. E. double hockey sticks, the exaggerated expressions, and panel work, it’s an instant attention grabber. The only problem is that while Jeremmya’s art makes a killer introduction, Simon Ward’s story beats barely keep up with the pacing. I had to read one full issue and next one’s preview just to get an idea on what’s going on. It’s still pretty good, especially with chaotic Hell being such a popular art setting. I’m hoping that this is one series that gets better with age, so I’ll give this 7.9/10.
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