J Michael Straczynski, I can see him just about anywhere today. Recently, I find out he’s responsible for the creation of She-Ra. And here I am dwelling on how he’s a writer who tries and gets a reversion in Spider-Man. Before retiring from mainstream comics, he takes a long time to fulfill some very passionate works.
J Michael Straczynski: Use What You’ve Got
The young Joseph Stracyznski has a long life of going from one place to another. His family mainly live off his father’s manual labors. It’s enough for Straczynski to attend college and apply for his school newspaper. At SDSU he applies his multiple degrees into becoming a writer. His first major works are as a playwright for both theater and the radio. Pretty soon he encompasses more projects as a reviewer, a television producer, a journalist, and a talk show host. It’s here that Straczynski meets other writers like Neil Gaiman. I have a hunch that encounter is what allows for the development of a couple novels.
TV vs. Comics
Animation is Not Just for Kids!
A lot of creatives like to bring up how the animation industry is full of backstabbers and sharks. Straczynski is no exception to that experience. It all happens between his time in He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, She-Ra: Princess of Power, the concept for Elfquest, even the Real Ghostbusters. Executives at this time have concerns more in merchandise and child orientation. By that I mean conservative roles and not any hot button topics that evoke political discussions. Yet discussions like that are what make fandoms. Is it any wonder why Straczynski just up and quits?
Live-Action is both a Blessing and Curse
Stracynski certainly has better luck when it comes to Live-Action TV than animation. His time on the Twilight Zone is certainly notable. But even Live-Action is still subject to merchandising with action shows like Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future. Yet it’s that same experience that allows for the development of Babylon 5. All of those series and more allow Stracynski to work in comics. Adaptations are certainly a way to reach out.
Joe’s Comics

A comic book fan, Straczynski jumps onto Image Comics with his own imprint. Joe’s Comics is a little on the nose when it comes to marketing if you ask me. His debut series Rising Stars for Top Cow is something I see as a manifestation of Straczynski’s anxieties. The initial premise is a subversion of Marvel’s Civil War event by revealing it all to be the result of one of the cast’s anxieties. I don’t want to go into too much spoilers but after this it becomes a greater exploration into character. Each major character wants to do good and have their woes to deal with. However, powerful figures block their way. The only way some of these characters get around them is through the people they inspire. This is actually a full examination of Stracynski’s own career. The ending meanwhile represents his hopes.
Midnight Nation meanwhile shows Straczynski’s roots and his ability to produce with fewer limitations. At the same time, it is yet another look into Straczynski’s anxieties. He’s afraid of his work consuming his life like the series’ main character. David asks the questions on why these events happen and why they can’t change. It’s certainly something Straczynski comes across throughout his life. Stracynski wants his freedom and power to create but has to deal with corporate overlords. It’s all too easy to just walk away though. Sometimes it’s best to work with what you’ve got.
J Michael Straczynski: Marvel Woes
Straczynski eventually finds work with Marvel debuting with Spider-Man. The initial story in the clash with Ezekiel and Morlun is certainly a strange step. This gives the idea that Spider-Man just sleepwalks through destiny. Of course, this is untrue, Spider-Man still makes the choice to face overwhelming odds. It’s what makes him a good character. The parts of the 9/11 events and Spider-Man stepping up to become a teacher are good as well.
Unfortunately I also find the main reason this period of Spider-Man is so good is nostalgia. Straczynski does all that he can to mend the damage from the Clone Saga. The humanizing elements don’t even seem to pay off; it’s what reviews of issue 5 of Spider-Man: Life Story implies. With those elements gone, there’s nothing to hold it up.

That’s all before everything comes into Civil War and the resulting fallout. With Straczynski under contract at this time, he is unable to step away like usual. Instead the brooding Spider-Man comes back, ruining any chance of development. Any major changes like in The Other are mainly just for show. In fact, Spider-Man actually regresses into a man-child due to executive meddling. His time with the Fantastic Four is barely any better. As soon as his contract is over, Straczynski leaves the wall crawler for other characters.
Maxing Out on Imprints
During the Marvel Max imprint days, Straczynski’s take on the Squadron Supreme is a fascinating read. It reads very similar to Rising Stars while combining with the Squadron’s original concept. Rather than just see the Squadron driven by entitlement, it shows how these characters grow up. Hyperion for example shows how his upbringing as a government stooge drives his dictatorial decisions. The other characters are also people in the truest sense of the word. They want to do good, but because of their own flaws and the public they steer towards villainy. It’s all of the underhanded tactics of publishers on full display.
That’s not the only subtle rage Straczynski pulls out. Doctor Strange: Beginnings and Endings for Marvel Knights is a reintroduction to worries. Stephen Strange has a history that expands; one where his once great ideals slip away from an incident. As such, Strange goes into distractions from fame and success. It ends up costing the doctor everything, yet propels him towards becoming Sorcerer Supreme. Even better is how this series highlights his relationship with Wong. Wong is like a fan who gets influence from Straczynski, inspiring him to live on. With Stephen’s redemption comes Straczynski’s own renewal to create.
Bringing Down the Hammer
Straczynski’s final act in Marvel is bringing a much more human element back into Marvel’s main line. Sure like other main series most changes don’t stay long, but the influence behind it remains. Straczynski even gets to live a power fantasy by having Thor thrash Iron Man for Civil War’s events. This time, he even has the ability to just walk away when an event comes up. It might even be why Straczynski gets to cameo in the first Thor movie. This shows that his influence will always be a good one.
J Michael Straczynski to Earth One
With the contract with Marvel over; Straczynski goes to DC Comics while working in the film industry. Starting in The Brave and the Bold, Straczynski gets to know which characters to work with. Each of short is like seeing the civilian lives of these characters while still in costume. He even makes use of the Dial H concept to show how much he cares about the characters. As it turns out though, his first major work with DC is with Superman.

Starting the Earth One series, it shows Superman as someone who has the potential to be anything. He can propel Earth straight into the next century, but hates dealing with the corporate greed. It’s a series that resonates with the everyman in the readers. With all of those options, it’s hard to choose what you want to be. It takes Superman a long time to realize his calling; I can bet Straczynski feels the same way. Not to mention there is that sense of expectations again where one slip up can cause chain reactions. That might even be a reason why he gives the second volume’s responsibility to a new blood. Ultimately, Straczynski has to dig his way out of this hole. Don’t even start with his emo phase in the main comics.
Retelling She-Ra

One of the reasons Straczynski needs a break from Supes isn’t just the Grounded story, but also Wonder Woman. In the Odyssey series, Diana has to rediscover herself after finding some people tamper with her past. This allows the reader to see a younger and more raw Wonder Woman. Lacking the experience of previous series, Diana has to relearn what makes her a warrior. As such the fights begin to have more weight to them and the world builds around her. So influential similar ideas pop up years later during the Rebirth era by Greg Rucka.
J Michael Straczynski: Road to Degradation
At a certain period Straczynski starts to go through a period of highs and lows. The Before Watchmen comics certainly add more depth to some characters. However his comics back in image like Ten Grand tell a more personal narrative that foretell things. Straczynski begins to lose his eyesight from Corneal dystrophy. I feel this sense of frustration from the writer as becomes unable to do comics as he could have. His Image series Sidekick meanwhile feels like raging against his editors again. Although he has a good reason when more than a few concepts fail to push through.
Before everything ends though, Straczynski decides to make one final push in Dark Horse and Image. Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle salvages the bad movie into something more than just a tie-in. While still not a big moment, Dream Police is a big movement from a one-shot it originally begins as. In essence, it’s Straczynski accepting that he will lose something he loves. But even then, he still has friends he can turn to for anything else; just ask the Wachowskis.
One Eye Looks to the Future
Despite every bad start, frustration, and unavoidable circumstance, J Michael Straczynski leaves behind a legacy for many to follow. Life is full of ups and downs; even the greatest of fictional characters have them. It’s important to also remember that some of those same instances allow for better opportunities. Rather than just rant about how things aren’t going your way, make the most of it. Stracyznski’s time certainly inspires many creators. Some of his own works even find new life.
Another Eye in the Present
Straczynski mainly spends his time with TV and movies. In fact his most notable time is with the Wachowskis. He has such a devotion to the siblings that he actually spends 32 hours on a script for Ninja Assassin. Too bad the final product is lackluster. Doesn’t stop them from doing other products like Sense8. As it turns out, despite his condition, Straczynski still loves comics and has some ideas. Who better to do that with than a friend like Mike Deodato Jr.?
With the Spider-Man noughties team back together they work with a new publisher in AWA. Straczynski much like its founders is a former alumni of Marvel who wants to reach out to the current generation. Like many publishers, they want to create a new superhero universe, The Resistance. But how do you reach out to people so critical of depicting things so uncomfortably real? You reflect what makes your time so unique and how the inherit humanity of these characters affect your audience. This case being fighting against the utter helplessness of a world turned upside down. There’s a whole world out there for people to know more about.
Thanks for coming to an end and as always remember to look between the panels.
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